it's agrajag

[info]agrajag is [info]raptor's icon journal.

please credit in the icon's keywords. feel free to use this: [info]agrajag

Posts Tagged: '%21+admin'

Jul. 17th, 2017



late but predictable limbo post

i made the icons friends-only and was going to post to let you guys know until photobucket did what it now does best and became a giant butt.

my plans are to bring the icons back! i just need to figure out how; i may end up getting my own domain. i know some very nice people are offering subdomains to icon makers, but i've been out of the game so long that i feel bad asking when i'm basically back to being a stranger with no cred. so we'll see what i can come up with! if anyone's heard of any good hosting deals, i'd super appreciate it if you could throw the link my way. 💜 (that grad student life~)

if things work out i may also be able to rehost some of the old [info]squeezit sets that were on my own accounts — i was recently able to log in to at least one of them (how i remembered that password is beyond me) so... i just need to learn patience on all fronts. :|a i'm not very good with patience.

tl;dr: [info]agrajag is young but not gone! it's just in stasis or something.

May. 9th, 2017




directory )