February 27th, 2016

[info]drstrange in [info]ageofmarvels


Characters: Stephen Strange
NPC’s: One very (un?)fortunate cat…
Location: The streets of Manhattan
Timeline:  BACKDATED - 2/24 4pm
Description: A Strange man with a strange plan.
Rating: G

…and quickly found that the cat had… What… Vaguely appeared to be a piece of paper taped to it… )

[info]multiversemedic in [info]ageofmarvels


To: Jane
From: America
Timeline: Feb 27th - 11am

You have (3) unread messages )

To: Amadeus
From: America
Timeline: Feb 27th - 1pm

You have (1) unread message )

[info]midnight_magic in [info]ageofmarvels

Who: Nico and Gerd
Where: Hellicarrier
When: Friday night, 2/26
What: Catching up with a pal and bringing some booze.
Rating: pg?

Nico likes to drink )

[info]andalightshow in [info]ageofmarvels

Twitter post

Alison Blaire
Don't believe the rumors. There's no concert with me and 'The Biebs'.
12:59 PM - 1 Jan 13