February 18th, 2016

[info]patsycat in [info]ageofmarvels


Characters: Patsy Walker
Source: Twitter
Timeline: February 18, 2016
Description: Patsy’s catching up on the news – namely that Spider-Man has a new costume.
Rating: G

Tweets for February 18th, 2016 )

[info]withmymind in [info]ageofmarvels

Thread: Assistance Needed

Characters: Jean Grey and Emma Frost
NPCs: ---
Location: Xavier's School - Emma's Office
Timeline: 2/18
Description: With everything going on at Xavier's School, Jean goes to Emma for assistance.
Rating: PG

She felt worn down right to the depths of her soul, and she knew that this was going to be the status quo for awhile. )

[info]howlikeawinter in [info]ageofmarvels


Characters: Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
NPCs: People of a nefarious nature
Location: New York City ~ less then upstanding areas
Timeline: February 18, 2016
Description: It's pretty much bad cop & bad cop (or should that be bad SHIELD agent and bad SHIELD agent) as Bucky and Nat unsuccessfully try to find some leads on who shot Charles Xavier.
Rating: PG-13 (possibly there will be violence)

...but he also wanted to know who had done it. Who had the skills (or the luck, although he didn't think it was a lucky shot) to have pulled it off and then have vanished. Leaving not a trace to be found. )

[info]cajundirge in [info]ageofmarvels


To: Rogue
From: Gambit
Timeline: Feb 18

You have unread messages )

To: Kitty
From: Gambit
Timeline: Feb 18

You have unread messages )

[info]cajundirge in [info]ageofmarvels

Thread: Soul Food

Characters: Rogue & Gambit
Location: Kitchen at the X-Mansion
Timeline: Feb 18, evening
Description: Gumbo for daaaaays
Rating: R - they'll always be R

Remy had barely parked his bike and dropped his bag in his room before making his way to the kitchen. )
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