February 16th, 2016

[info]weblady in [info]ageofmarvels

Text Messages:

TO: Avengers.
FROM: Jess Drew.
DATE: 16 February, 2016 @ 11:00AM.
(2) Messages. )


TO: Carol Danvers.
FROM: Jess Drew.
DATE: 16 February, 2016 @ 11:05AM.
(3) Messages.) )

[info]multiversemedic in [info]ageofmarvels


To: Anna, Jean, Laura & Tabitha.
From: America
Date: 2/16/16 - 6:04pm

(1) Unread. )

[info]proudphase in [info]ageofmarvels

Thread: Rough and Tumble

Characters: Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom
NPCs: Shady human traffickers
Location: A sketchy pub in London town
Timeline: 2/16 - Evening
Description: Kitty gets a nasty surprise when meeting up with some hackers but Pete comes to her rescue! ...kinda
Rating: PG-13 for violence?

She ordered a pint of Guinness and settled down. )