February 13th, 2016

[info]emmagrace in [info]ageofmarvels

Narrative: Emma Frost was always the Queen. But her King, the blonde’s intellectual equal, was gone.

Characters: Emma Frost
Location: Frost International Headquarters -- Downtown Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Timeline: Backdated February 12, 2016 - 4:32 PM
Description: Emma searches for Charles Xavier telepathically with no luck.
Rating: PG-13
She couldn’t feel it. His comfort, his power, his intelligence -- it was gone. )

[info]withmymind in [info]ageofmarvels

Email: Holding It Together (Xavier's School)

To: All current students, staff and faculty of the Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters
From: Jean Grey, on behalf of Xavier's School
Date: February 13, 2016
Subject: An Important Update About Recent Events )

[info]allhaildoom in [info]ageofmarvels

Thread: Keep your friends close...

Characters: Victor von Doom and Namor
NPCs: ---
Location: Victor's manor, Doomstadt, Latveria
Timeline: 2/12 in the late evening (backdated)
Description: Victor breaks the news of Xavier's passing to Namor
Rating: PG-13

I'm afraid there is some news from America that we must discuss urgently... )