Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Owl to Percival Ignatius Harper )
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Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Who: Augustus and Percy
What: Augustus has a few questions...and he's hoping Percy has answers
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Augustus' Office
Warnings: it's Augustus, folks!

Who better than a de-throned king? )
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Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Owl post to Percy Weasley )
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Monday, July 19th, 2010

Who: Riordain and Percy
What: Meeting
When: Backdated to day after hunt
Where: Hospital
Status: Incomplete
Warnings: TBA

This was going to be awkward of epic proportions )
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Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Who: Augustus (briefly), then Percy and Shaela
What: Percy passed (what a pity?)
When: Thursday evening (after the hunt)
Where: Augustus' office at Slytherin Academy
Warnings: um, likely none?
Status: Incomplete

And the appeal, partner...Of this deal, partner...Is we all stand to win...You and me, the lady also )
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Monday, July 12th, 2010

Who: Regulus Black and Percy Weasley
What: A meeting of the minds, I guess.
When: Monday evening 7:30 PM
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Why: Because Regulus asked.
Warnings: None
Status: Incomplete

change this later )
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WHO: Riordain and Percy
WHAT: Owl delivery
WHERE: Empty classroom
WHEN: respective places
WHY: Because he asked and said he would
STATUS: Complete

Owl from Florish and Blotts )
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Sunday, July 11th, 2010

Who: Augustus and Percy
What: An exchange. Percy has something Augustus wants [yes, really and NO not that]
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Augustus' house, Camden
Warnings: It's Augustus, what do you expect?
Status: Closed, incomplete.

You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. )
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Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

Who: The Malfoys and party guests
What: Narcissa wants Draco's opinion on the decorations. Then guests begin to arrive.
When: Saturday night.
Warnings: Who knows what insane Purebloods will do? TBD.
Status: Incomplete.

left my head and my heart on the dance floor )
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Friday, July 2nd, 2010

Who: Percy and Morag
What: Meeting!
Where: Daily Prophet
When: Thursday
Warnings: TBD

Newsies )
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Who: Shaela Fawcett & Percy Weasley
What: Percy has decided to set up a not so chance meeting.
When: Tuesday morning, before his meeting with Rookwood
Where: Slytherin Academy, the entrance hall.
Why: Because Percy wants to know what Shaela looks like.
Warnings: None, it's going to be too short.
Status: Complete

If he remembered correctly, Ginny loved chocolate... )
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Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Who: Augustus, George and Percy
What: Another "reunion"
When: Tuesday, 10am
Where: Augustus' office (and back room)
Why: Because messing with two siblings isn't as much fun as screwing over three
Warnings: Yep! language, skeeziness, mind games

Some things were just luscious, like watching perceptions shatter like glass )
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Friday, June 25th, 2010

Who: Augustus and Percy
What: Augustus invited Percy over for "talk"
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Augustus' home in Camden
Warnings: Oh hell yes. mindfuckery, violence, language?

Predators live on the prey they pursue! This time the predator's me! )
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Sunday, June 20th, 2010

Who: Molly & Percy Weasley
What: Percy wants a hug from his mom.
When: Sunday evening
Where: Muggle book shop not too far away from Molly's bakery.
Why: Percy needs a hug, that's why.
Warnings: Not sure
Status: Incomplete

Molly would be there soon... )
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Parcel for Fred and George, delivered by untracable owl )
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Saturday, June 19th, 2010

Who: Percy Weasley & Lucius Malfoy
What: Percy's feeling pretty cruddy is all.
When: Saturday morning
Where: Diagon Alley
Why: Percy's feeling cruddy and he just needs to think.
Warnings: Not sure
Status: Incomplete

...but her ego tended to cloud her judgement... )
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Thursday, June 17th, 2010

Untracable owl to Fred and George Weasley )
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Monday, June 14th, 2010

Who: Fred, George, & Percy Weasley
What: Meeting, though it's not without it's suspicions.
When: Monday evening, just before six o'clock
Where: London, Buckingham Palace
Why: Because Percy's got a business proposition for the twins.
Warnings: Not sure
Status: Complete

i'll fix the cut tag at work )
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Owl to Percy  )

Owl to Shaela Fawcett )
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Monday, June 7th, 2010

Owl to Professor Umbridge )
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