Tuesday, November 9th, 2010

Who: Regulus Black and Michelle Moon
What: Giving Michelle the book she's been waiting for
Where: The place Regulus never leaves, the library
When: backdated to Sunday afternoon
Rating: Lowish I would imagine
Status: Incomplete

Sometimes questions are more important than answers )
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Monday, October 25th, 2010

Package left for Ron Weasley )
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Monday, October 11th, 2010

Who: Michelle Moon and Ron Weasley
What: Discussions between student and servant
When: Evening.
Where: Michelle's Rooms, SA
Why: They need to talk. Even though Ron isn't sure about what
status: Closed, incomplete

This would have to be handled carefully... just like everything else. )
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Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Who: Severus Snape and Michelle Moon, Jessica Hollis for a bit.
What: Late night potions explosions, trips down memory lane and the kicking off of a plot!
When: After 10 PM
Where: Potions Classroom, Slytherin Academy
Status: Closed, incomplete

Despite it all Michelle was left with an exploded cauldron and a mess in the classroom. Not unusual for something like this, but it was as if she were channeling her uncle )
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Saturday, August 14th, 2010

Who: Seamus and Shelly
Where: Shelly's Room
When: Saturday Morning
What: Seamus tries to butter her up
Rating: Probably low
Status: Incomplete

Behind the downfall of every great man stands a cold hearted woman )
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Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Who: Frank and Michelle Moon
What: Private visitation in Shelly's room.
When: Backdated to August 9th
where: Shelly's room, Slytherin Academy
Why: Because Rookwood has proclaimed they can... shelly is suspiscious
Status: Closed, incomplete.

Augustus Rookwood was not a man who gave something for nothing. )
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Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Owl to Michelle Moon

Unmarked, untracable Owl sent to Michelle Moon's quarters )
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Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Who: Michelle Moon, Augustus Rookwood, Frank Moon
What: A meeting at Rookwood's home.
When: Friday, July 23, 1999
Where: Rookwood's home, Camden
Why: Because Shelly was called.
status: Closed, incomplete.

She just had to remember why she was doing this.... that was it. )
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Monday, July 12th, 2010

Who: Romilda and Shelly
What: surprise visit, talking
When: Monday afternoon.
Where: Romi's house.
Warnings: TBA

we prefer to call them safety measures )
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Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Who: Michelle and Nin
What: shelly comes home
When: Backdated to the day students left school
Where: Nin and Shelly's house
Status: Closed, incomplete.

This was not good! )
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Who: Shelly and Seamus
What: Seamus is newly assigned and needs to help Shelly pack
When: Backdated to Early Wednesday (June 30th)
Where: Shelly’s room
Warnings: None
Notes: Written in GDocs

A last minute addition )
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Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Who: Theo and Shelly
What: studying
When: Tuesday night, late
Where: library, possibly elsewhere later?
Warnings: TBA

last minute cram session )
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Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Who: Michelle and Pansy
What: Waiting for Pansy to wake up.
When: June 17th, Late evening
Where: Infirmary
Why: Becuase best friends don't just let their bff wake up alone!
Status: Closed, incomplete.

There were sometimes that she was able to pull off the intimidation that came with what was supposed to be her station. )
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Thursday, June 24th, 2010

the one where tracey and shelly get drunk

Who: Tracey Davis and Michelle Moon
What: Drunkst girl talks.
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Tracey's Room
Status: Incomplete
Warning: Alcoholz.

blame it on the al-al-al-alcohol )
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Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

Who: Shelly and open
What: She's going flying
When: Before dusk, after dinner
Where: SA grounds, up in the air not far from the broom cabinet
Why: Becasue there's a lot going on and shell wants to clear her mind and make sure she didn't do any permanent damage
Status: Open

She was not entirely happy with the way the broom was handling... )
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Saturday, June 19th, 2010

Who: Draco, Shelly, Morag if she wants.
What: Draco is awake.
When: Saturday morning [slightly backdated]
Where: infirmary.
Why: Cormac is a bastard and hurted the pretty Draco.
Warnings: TBA

run joey runnn )
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Who: Nineveh and Michelle
What: Nin is worried
Where: SA Infirmary
Why: Shell blew herself up. Nin is failing at mommying.

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Friday, June 18th, 2010

Who: Michelle and whoever finds her
What: A potions "accident"
When: Half eight in the evening
Where: Dungeon's potions lab, Slytherin Academy
Why: Because this is an untraceable form of protest shielded in a 'mistake'
Status: Open

NOTE: Yes the dungeon is shaking which could mean other areas of the castle will too. There is also a very loud noise that goes along with this.

The last ingredient was added with the right amount... and then the rest got added. It would be another few seconds. )
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Who: Michelle and Shaela
What: The kickoff of a plot... well... two plots actually.
When: After lunch
Where: A randomly empty classroom that just happens to occupy two witches for a time
Why: See 'what'
Status: Closed, incomplete

She'd just stayed after everyone else had left the classroom. )
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Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

Who: Michelle Moon and Pansy Parkinson
What: Discussions and maybe some girltime before Quidditch tryouts
When: Before Quidditch tryouts, June 16, 1999
Where: Pansy's room
Why: Becuase it isn't safe to talk in Michelle's and a warning needs to be given
Status: Closed, incomplete

I don't trust him! )
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