Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Who: T and Marco (Tarco?)
What: T is in Ella's room. Marco finds him there.
When: Thursday, during class.
Where: Ella's room.
Warnings: naked (and somewhat bloody) T.

so you're the puppy I've heard so much about )
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Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Who: Seamus and Marco
What: Shadow Boxing Games
When: Friday Night
Where: Empty Charms Class
Warnings: Only the normal ones for Seamus' mouth

At night, we break away )
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Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Who: Ella and Puppy Marco
What: Meeting for first time!
When: Tuesday, Noon [Backdated]
Where: Slytherin Academy Castle; Ella's Private Room
Warnings: Cuteness?

..spooooooon.. )
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Sunday, July 11th, 2010

zoom zoom cuddle

Who: Zach & Marco (maybe Ernie later)
What: Talking
When: Late Saturday
Where: Astronomy Tower
Why: Both need someone to talk to
Warning: Unknown, cuteness?
Status: Incomplete

Everyone needs a good manfriend )
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Who: Katie and Marco
Where: Boys Dorm
When: Sunday
Warnings: TBD, likely low.

Food, glorious food! )
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Who: Colin and Marco. Marlin? Coco? COCO. <3
What: Marco telling Colin he's not a little boy. And he loves him. (ohno)
When: Saturday night
Where: Boys' servant area. on a bed. under a sheet (their own fort!)
Why: He can't hide it anymore
Warnings: inevitable cute.

i just want you to be happy )
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Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Who: Seamus and whoever else is at the castle Marco
What: Seamus needs ink and to cool off
When: Saturday
Where: Corridors near the library
Warnings: TBD

Put a face on, it'll get better )
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Thursday, July 8th, 2010

WHO: Colin "Badass" Creevey and Marco "Adorable" Possen
WHEN: 8 July; evening
WHERE: Dungeons
RATING/STATUS: Cute/In progress

Leaving now would be a good idea, so catch me up on getting out of here )
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Who: Ernie MacMillan and Marco Possen
What: Marco and Ernie go for a walk.
When: Wednesday before sunset
Where: The academy grounds
Why: Because Marco suggested it, lol.
Warnings: None, I don't think.
Status: Incomplete

Marco had so far been the bright spot in his day. )
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Monday, July 5th, 2010

Who: Marco Possen & Jessica Hollis
What: Meeting/Marco getting picked on
When: Monday night
Where: Windows/Hallway
Warnings: HARSHNESS. SADNESS. Maybe cursing. Nothing too bad though (hopefully)

He was just trying to be nice )
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WHO: Ginny and Marco
WHAT: Getting acquainted and cleaning some windows
WHERE: Classrooms on the first floor
WHEN: After This exchange
WHY: Because Marco is new and should probably be taught things
RATING: I'm guessing low.
STATUS: Incomplete

Wax on, Wax off )
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