Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Who: Ella Lestrange and Vera Lestrange.
What: Ella is meeting her twin as requested.
Where: The Shrieking Shack.
When: Shortly after this conversation.
Rating: TBA. Probably fairly tame. I think.
Status: Incomplete thread.

--- )
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Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

What: visiting yay
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Ella's room
Warnings: It's TELLA, and they haven't seen each other for a little while. R/NC-17 ;DD

I ain't saying she's a gold digger... )
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Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Who: Rodolphus and Ella
What: Daddy Lestrange finally sees his daughter
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Lestrange Estate
Why: They've both been gone most of the summer and school's about to start. plus he has things to tell her!
Warnings: Not much

Million dollar baby )
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Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

Who: Ella and Rabastan
What: Ella has a sekkrit
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Rab's Place
Warnings: None?, i'm a kitty cat.. )
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Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

Owl Post to Amelia Higgs

They sent me two. Someone who flies that well should have one, too. Team Araneae, for the win.

[Attached is the new Firebolt broom]
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Monday, July 19th, 2010

What: afterparty (post-hunting times)
When: last Thursday, nighttime [backdated]
Where: one of T's Anthony-free flats (sorry, Arse, it's for your own good)
Why: they are killers and they are drinkers, yo.
Warnings: drinking, probably language (mentions of violence), idek what else. TBA

a drink to our good health... and the death of Muggles )
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Sunday, July 18th, 2010

Owl Post to Ella Lestrange )
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Who: Ella by herself
What: Ella might be growing up a little.
When: Sunday
Where: Rab's place that he's willingly let her hijack because RAB IS A DOUCHE :P
Warnings: Melancholy.

..i play on the black keys, cos it already takes my best to pretend that this big mess isn't happening to me.. )
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Who: TELLA; T and Ella?
What: Ella wants to know if there's anyone she can trust.
When: Saturday evening after this.
Where: Rab's place.
Warnings: Oh, god. TBD for now.

..but even the sturdiest ground can shift and can tremble and let us fall down.. )
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Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Who: Rabastan and Ella
What: dealing with the "George problem"
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Rab's place.
Warnings: violence, alcohol, Lestranges being Lestranges

be careful who you talk to, and what you drink )
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Thursday, July 15th, 2010

Who: Ella and Nineveh
What: Random Run-in; Nin needs moar plot
When: Thursday; Evening after run-in with Amelia
Where: Diagon Alley
Warnings: TBD.

..the monkey on your back is the latest trend.. )
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Who: Ella and Vera
What: Ella isn't meeting her sister, but she's in disguise and leaving her a package
When: Thursday afternoon; before Amelia encounter and after Draco
Where: The Meeting Place
Warnings: None.

..double trouble, like the sister kind.. )
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Who: Ella and Amelia
What: Random run-in, trying to be friends?
When: Thursday; Late Afternoon after Meeting with Draco and dropping off package for Vera
Where: Quality Quidditch Supplies
Warnings: TBD

..anything you can do, i can do better.. )
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Who: Ella and Draco
What: Who knows, talking Quidditch? Ella being her usual self
When: Thursday morning
Where: Malfoy Manor; Draco's Room -> Elsewhere?
Warnings: TBD.

..wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.. )
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What: Ella is in disguise, seeing how well T can figure out who she is
When: Wednesday; Evening
Where: Pub in London
Warnings: TBD.

..catch me if you can.. )
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Who: Ella and Puppy Marco
What: Meeting for first time!
When: Tuesday, Noon [Backdated]
Where: Slytherin Academy Castle; Ella's Private Room
Warnings: Cuteness?

..spooooooon.. )
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Sunday, July 4th, 2010

Who: Rabastan and Ella
What: Ella is glaring at her uncle a lot for being her friend's dad.
When: Late Saturday night, after Malfoy party
Where: Rabastan's place, Living room
Warnings: They're Lestranges.

..skeletons in the closet.. )
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Friday, July 2nd, 2010

What: naptime. In which they DON'T have sex. (Probably.)
When: Friday evening/night.
Where: T&A's flat.
Warnings: TBA

naptime wasn't always a euphemism for shagging )
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Thursday, July 1st, 2010

Who: Rabastan, Ella, and Terrence
What: belated birthday party. With pinatas.
When: Thursday afternoon.
Where: Rabastan's penthouse.
Why: because he promised.
Warnings: violence (pin the knife on the Muggle, etc.)

come out angels, come out ghosts; come out darkness, bring everyone you know )
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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Who: Vera and Ella (see nailpolishes!)
What: Sisterly time and hashing things out
When: Friday [Forward dated]
why: Because they're bad for each other and need to TALK.
Warnings: Who knows

Those who have seen us/Know that not a thing could come between us )
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