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Age of Darkness RPG

When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few. Fight, or flight.
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[10 Jul 2010|02:06am]
Who: George Weasley, Augustus Rookwood
What: George giving himself up.
When: Saturday morning.
Where: Clava Cairns
Warnings: Sad? Augustus is pretty much a douche.

I need you defenseless, dependent and alone )
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[10 Jul 2010|05:11am]
Owl to Headmistress Umbridge )
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[10 Jul 2010|05:16am]
What: She's trying to kill him?
When: Friday night
Where: Dungeons
Why: Because that flower gave her an allergy attack
Warnings: KINK

She was going to kill him. Not only had he done everything to piss her off, besides making her like him, but now he'd gone and tried to kill her. Lavender had been allergic to most things outdoors for her entire life and shouldn't he have known?

Plus, all the apologies and that nice guy attitude was just annoying. She knew she should have accepted thet peace of mind he was giving her, but it was ... boring? She preferred fighting with him and couldn't let this go.

In a blind rage, she was pacing the dungeons in search of him. And finally she spotted him. Without thinking, without stopping, she marched straight to him, more like ran, and practically tackled him in an attempt to strangle.

"I. Couldn't. BREATHE." This was much more fun.
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[10 Jul 2010|06:05am]
Owl to Headmistress Umbridge )
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[10 Jul 2010|08:33am]
Who: Frank Longbottom ( as Amycus Carrow ) and Neville Longbottom ( as himself )
What: Frank has to play a little dirty, and it's not really going to be fair to Neville. That doesn't sound right....
When: Sunday night
Where: Amycus' office.
Why: Because Frank is kinda evil, lol.
Warnings: Some semi nudity, at least.
Status: Incomplete

I'll replace this text later )
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[10 Jul 2010|10:49am]
Who: Andromeda and Ted
Where: Their room
What: Drinks
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Drinks! )
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[10 Jul 2010|11:03am]
Who: Lucius and Draco
Where: Malfoy Manor
What: Occlumency lessons
When: After lunch
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Lessons )
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[10 Jul 2010|11:51am]
Who: Romilda and George
What: first and last night together with real!George.
When: Friday night [backdated]
Where: Romilda's house.
Warnings: entirely possible that there will be sexy times. If not, Romilda will be very disappoint. Also, bittersweetness, though Romi doesn't know that.

so you think you can love me and leave me to die )
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[10 Jul 2010|11:55am]
Who: Kevin and Ginny
What: Testing out bathroom acoustics
When: Sometime this later this morning
Where: Pick a bathroom, any bathroom
Why: Well, it was promised.
Status: Incomplete
Warnings: Stayed tuned to this station...

Just what is a zigazig ah? )
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[10 Jul 2010|12:42pm]
Who: Lucius and Shaela
Where: Her room
When: Late afternoonish
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Mind Games )
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[10 Jul 2010|02:49pm]
Who:  Padma and Shaela
Where: Dungeons
When: Saturday early afternoon
What: This is Padma's first full day at Slytherin Academy and she is scared and confused.
Why: To introduce Padma into the game!
Rating: Pg for now.

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[10 Jul 2010|03:14pm]
Owl to Shelly Moon )
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The one where Tracey and Ernie meet [10 Jul 2010|03:27pm]
Who: Tracey and Ernie
What: Tracey returns to the castle for her own reasons.
When: Friday, late afternoon.
Where: Hexes Classroom, Slytherin Academy
Status: Incomplete

smack this bitch up )
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[10 Jul 2010|04:41pm]
Who: Fred and Romi (Fremilda? Ew. How about... Romed)
What: Meeting about George
When: Saturday
Where: Regent's Park
Why: Because George is a git.
Warnings: TBA? Minimum i'd assume
Status: Incomplete

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[10 Jul 2010|08:33pm]
Who: Seamus and whoever else is at the castle Marco
What: Seamus needs ink and to cool off
When: Saturday
Where: Corridors near the library
Warnings: TBD

Put a face on, it'll get better )
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[10 Jul 2010|09:41pm]
Who: Romilda and Regulus, aka Romulus
When: Saturday afternoon
What: Having tea and discussin plans
Where: Romilda's parents house
Warnings: None, except maybe Reg's socially awkward all the time

It is by their realizing that their condition of life is not what it ought to be that vast improvements may be accomplished. )
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[10 Jul 2010|11:51pm]
Who: Michelle and Nin
What: shelly comes home
When: Backdated to the day students left school
Where: Nin and Shelly's house
Status: Closed, incomplete.

This was not good! )
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