Age of Miracles

September 4th, 2008

Age of Miracles


September 4th, 2008

Thread: Iceman and Husk

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Who: Bobby Drake and Paige Guthrie
When: Thursday, September 4, 2008 - early afternoon
Where: Somewhere in New York
What: They're not truly running away as Bobby would never put anyone in that sort of danger, but getting away, again, for a bit, usually helps with any kind of frustration. Then again, so does some childish playing on the swings and the guy finally admitting that he likes the girl.

Throw it away, forget yesterday, we'll make the great escape )

thread; HFH & X-Factor team-up!

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Who: Alex Summers & Carmilla Black (OT Felicia Hardy & Teresa Cassidy)
When: Sept 05, Around 10 AM
Where: X-Factor Investigations
What: Carm wants the videos to stop so she seeks the aid of some professional professionals.

These guys were licensed. That meant something right? )
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