Age of Miracles

June 26th, 2008

Age of Miracles


June 26th, 2008

Thread: SIX FLAGS!

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Who: Everyone going to Six Flags!
When: Wednesday, June 25
Where: Six Flags New England, Agawam, Massachusetts
What: You have your missions, should you choose to accept them.


Kim Lincoln said she'd drive the van, but Aubrey was the one who ended up driving! Take that, Scott. And Aubrey was a good driver, too. A good driver and they managed to make it there in under three hours, arriving before noon. They had until seven o'clock and then they were driving back. Otherwise, the groups were divided up and sent on their merry way to do whatever they wanted. Roller coasters and other rides, a water park, plenty of unhealthy food and lots of place to spend money. Aubrey's only request was that students not run themselves into debt and have to borrow from chaperons----oh, no. His other request was that they not buy so many things that they couldn't haul them back onto the van. They had to be able to carry everything, including the giant teddy bears they could win shooting at two-dimensional ducks or playing Whack-A-Mole.

---That was, however, until Aubrey realized that all the stuff would fit into Kim Lincoln's purse. And then it was just a free-for-all.

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