Age of Miracles

May 3rd, 2008

Age of Miracles


May 3rd, 2008

Thread: Deadlock & Vertigo

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Who: Deadlock & Vertigo (FoH NPCs?)
When: Saturday Night, Late
Where: Canal Street Subway Station, New York City
What: A date? Russ invites his new robotic-handed friend to bust up a FoH plan to use a subway to blow up...something or other. It'll be fun!

Bang Bang Boom )

Thread: Hawkeye and Speed

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Who: Kate Bishop and Tommy Shepherd
When: (backdated) April 29th
Where: hospital
What: Since Kate took a nose dive beneath the pavement after the DC showdown, Tommy's been spending a lot of time at the hospital, keeping the comatose Avenger company. He's getting a little depressed over it. But maybe today things are looking up.

When you could move miles per second, those seconds felt longer than most people's days )
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