Age of Miracles

April 19th, 2008

Age of Miracles


April 19th, 2008

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Who: Vic & Russ
When: Late evening, after Russ' shift at the Magic Touch
Where: Russ' Apartment
What: Vic comes back to his boyfriend after an unforeseen disappearance

Remember Me? )

It had been known to happen...

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Who: Alex Summers and OTA
What: A random mansion visit
When: Saturday afternoon.

It wasn't unusual for Alex to just drop by... )

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Who: Artie & Open
When: Late night, April 19
Where: the mansion kitchen
What: Artie is scared and worried and feeling foolish so his ice cream is pasta.

Father's okay. Father's okay. Father's okay. Father's okay. Father's okay. Father's okay. Artie was feeling low. He didn't know what his father was hiding from him, and he had just filled out a personal ad that he knew that no one would reply to. He was mute. Mute and pink when he was asleep. Who wanted to hang out with a mute? He was even more a mutant than other mutants. No one really liked him and that was because he couldn't talk to them. Aubrey seemed busy and Artie hated to bother him. He was feeling useless and a bit of extra baggage. At least in his travels, he had been useful. Either digging an irrigation system or helping people with crops.

So, instead of eating ice cream or watching a chick flick, Artie was making pasta. He loved the movie Like Water for Chocolate, but he wasn't crying. He just hoped that the pasta wasn't too salty.

Sometimes Artie wished he was normal. Because normal was easy. But he hadn't been normal since he was eleven.
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