Age of Miracles

January 8th, 2008

Age of Miracles


January 8th, 2008

Thread: Threnody and Open

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Who: Melody Jacobs and Open
When: January 8, 2008
Where: Manhattan
What: Melody’s convinced that the Lair needs a spirit cleansing and heads into the City for some new age supplies she needs to do it. Which, of course, since things are still slightly crazy, results in her having to break into the store she goes to.

The Lair was one big death hunter’s paradise. )

Thread: Avalanche & OTA

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Who: Dominic Pedros & OTA
When: January 8th, afternoon
Where: The Lair, garage
What: Dominic, ever anti-social, is working on his project car. It isn't going well. He could probably use a distraction.

Son of a - )

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Who: Nathaniel Essex (Mr. Sinister) & Remy Lebeau (Gambit)
When: January 8th
What: Mr. Sinister is about his usual business. TBCinC.

I don't have anything for you at the moment. )
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