After The End OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
After The End OOC

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[23 Aug 2018|12:49am]
Just a quick FYI. I'm leaving today (in like an hour or so) to head up to Phoenix to catch a 6am flight to NYC!!! I'll be there for the weekend and be returning on Monday at like 9pm ish (then the drive back from Phoenix >.<). So, will I be around? Possibly, a little. Feel free to poke me on IM, but if I don't reply know why :D. Will I tag? Maybe at night if I'm not just enter the room and asleep. Monday when we get back I MAY be around, or I may just pass out thanks to sleepy airplane meds. Regardless next Tuesday I took off to recover from the trip so I WILL be around then!
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[ viewing | August 23rd, 2018 ]
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