Posts Tagged: 'character:+ambriel+tr%C3%ADadhos'

Mar. 24th, 2019



CIRCLE-NETWORK: Looking for somebody to give an assignment

I need to design a poster, a functioning website or a pamphlet for one of my classes. I could just invent a customer, but I'd rather design something useful. Anybody need anything? It's free of charge, and you have total freedom to order me around. (I do kind of have my heart set on a twenties-design, because I really want to use the TallDeco-font. It would be modern, of course! Just with a classic twist. But I'm open to other suggestions!)

Mid-term crunch is over. Some friends at school want to a game night and we need a fourth. You have time?

Mar. 20th, 2019



Mrs. Cassini

WHO: Ambriel Tríadhos
WHERE: Queens
WHEN: Recently