After Apocalypse

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After Apocalypse


February 1st, 2010

if you push them too hard, they're going to break ( nilsson!! )

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Who: Lupe and Nilsson
When: Monday evening
Where: Nilsson's place
What: Lupe finally goes to see her friend.

Honestly, it felt weird not traveling with Aidan. )


January 17th, 2010

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Who: Lupe Acevedo, Phillip North, (eventually) Aidan McCloy
When: Monday, January 18th, 2010
Where: Phillip's house, CA
What: Lupe returns to Dr. North's house for a check-up and more awkward

She never took care of herself )

January 16th, 2010

when a black crow flies ( narrative/open )

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Who: Lupe Acevedo (and open, if anyone is around)
When: Saturday evening
Where: California, neither too far or near from where Phillip's place is
What: Lupe's basically healed, but she isn't feeling much better.

Read more... )

January 2nd, 2010

give me the meltdown (narrative or open to aidan and phillip!)

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Lupe was lost.

She lost touch with Thierry. She'd lost touch with Phillip, probably much to his pleasure. She'd lost touch with Daybreak. But it was okay. One day she'd find Hannah's reincarnation, and then she could go back. Everything would be better then. They'd do it next time.

It was better to focus on that one thing than to admit that they'd lost and lost big.

But while many others had gone different ways, using their position and truces to offer more subtle help, Lupe would never be able to stop her instinct to fight for what she believed in, no matter the cost to herself. Werewolves wouldn't have much to gain or lose in this new order, anyway. They were still considered animals, and it pissed her off.

Most things that these Night People did pissed her off. Now that they were in charge, they seemed to think it was okay to abuse humans. Lupe couldn't change the world, but she still took every step to fight against it as she could.

Two lamia got into a car, satisfied and oblivious to being stalked. As they drove off, Lupe ran after them, landing with a loud 'thump' on top of the car. The driver slammed on the break, and she could feel one of them in her mind, trying to figure out what was going on, trying to get her to reveal herself. She jumped down onto the hood of the car and snarled at the two.

Both of them got out and accepted her challenge. They never did learn what the animal's problem was, but werewolves were sometimes useless like that. They were only good as guard dogs, and even then, they weren't the brightest.

Lupe certainly took a great deal of pleasure tearing into one lamia's throat.

But two against one wasn't good odds, and she put up a hell of a fight, but a solid punch to her ribcage sent her flying and unable to get up. She whimpered and snarled, but her muscles refused to cooperate. Battered, bloodied, and bruised, she was just too tired.

"Dumb animal," one lamia snickered, getting back into the car. "C'mon, we're already late."

Lupe whimpered and let out a howl when the car drove away. Fuck her life.
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