Jul. 18th, 2008


Closed Third Person - Rusty and Angie

Fruit gathering rocked. Rusty loved fruit gathering. Not only did it give him something to do that didn't stress him out, which was awesome because it meant no fires, but it was also an activity that he got to do in a group with his best friends ever. Though he had to admit that he and Angel weren't getting all that much done in the way of fruit gathering. He kept lifting her up and swinging her around or draping her over his shoulder and spinning her as she laughed and begged him to put her down. He always did. For a few moments before carrying her around again. She was so tiny. He loved picking her up.

When she looked as though she'd had enough, he petted her hair a little and then started to actually work for a bit. Only a bit. He'd go back to just having fun before too much longer. He sang as he plucked berries off a bush. They were good berries. He knew because he'd asked Petra who had heard from someone who. Well. Rusty's brain couldn't keep up with the chain of command as far as the berries went, but he knew they were good. So he smiled and shook his hips, smirking at Angel over his shoulder as he worked. And sang. "Fruit trees, fruit trees. Berries and mangos and," he paused to consider, "things. Fruit trees, fruit trees. Good for you and me."

Then he shrugged and launched into a rendition of "I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts," egging Angel on to join him.

Cut for gore and length and violence )

Jun. 8th, 2008


Ultimate!Rusty [Point C]

The hairdryer was horribly loud. She hated the noise but at the same time, hairdryers made her feel good. It was a very nice way to start the morning. And it made her pom-pom pigtails nice and fluffy. Angelica wasn't dressing up for anybody, really. She just liked making herself look nice. The little orange skirt was a nice touch with her hair.

Dressed, prepped and ready for a day on TV... Something like that. She had absolutely nothing planned except sneaking some video game time by herself. She always played better when no one was watching her. So, striding out of her room, she began the trek to one of the consoles.

Only she was walking on something softer than carpet. In fact she was walking on dirt. A trick that could surely only be concocted by Mojo, she was suddenly outside in a run down barn. Clearly not the Guthrie barn as this was way neglected... And there was a piece of paper at her feet. Carefully crouching down to pick it up, she swore to herself that she was not going to panic and set something on fire.

Please God no panicking.

September 2013




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