July 21st, 2013

[info]frostbyte in [info]after_the_fall

There were days when thinking about home hurt too much for him to function properly. There were days - scary as they were - he managed to go whole blocks of hours without thinking about home. But it was days like today that made him feel the most guilty.

The heatwave had finally relented, dropping temperatures considerably. A nice, heavy rain had cooled things down some, and Bobby'd helped them along. Water was his element after all, and the more of it, the better the results.

Currently, he was lying adrift in an ice float on the lake. And he wasn't alone.

He wondered, often, what Jean-Paul would think about Jeremy. The child looked - and acted, honestly - just like him. Or rather, his past self. When the world had been less hard, and the people more forgiving. He'd have liked them to meet, and not just because he missed his spouse. Preferably before, when Jean-Paul could have interacted with the child safely, gotten to know him without technology in the way.

He reached out and smoothed his hand over Jeremy's back. He'd fallen asleep at some point, and while he was in no real danger of the sun, Bobby kept checking just to be sure. He also tried to touch him as much as he could. Unfettered touch was key. Especially for children, who so relied on physical affection. More so for a child who was suddenly limited in that affection.

Bobby sighed and looked up at the sky.

From what he'd head of Rogue's other children, the power balance left a lot to be anxious over when the twins came of age. Not that they could be sure when that would be. Jeremy was essentially a late bloomer for his world, and an early one everywhere else. The later, the better, in Bobby's opinion. He hoped the twins x-genes would ride heavy on his side. It'd be safer for everyone.

Kids...Damn it Jeep.

If only he'd show up.

If only.

[info]bass_instincts in [info]after_the_fall


Rogue half-skipped to the garage, hip-checking the door to open it and sliding in.

"Hey," she called out to Jean, tossing an apple in her direction. "I burned the sandwich."

[info]cant_touch_this in [info]after_the_fall

James and Mia

Rogue landed on the beach, towel draped on her shoulder and cooler in hand. She waved as she sat the cooler down, announcing, "I brought snacks!"

She dropped the towel and toed her sandals off, heading down toward the water. "How cold is it?"

[info]oflife in [info]after_the_fall


Josh smiled at Rosie, bouncing his knee slightly. Her little wings flexed in a natural response to the movement, but so far, Jay didn't have to worry about flying after her. Which, was relieving all around.

She was an adorable baby, and it made him glad to think that Dani looked down on them and approved. Loving her daughter and the family she'd started, what felt like so long ago now.

September 2013



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