November 2020



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December 19th, 2017

[info]digthewriter in [info]adventdrabbles

Shatterproof Plan, Part 19

Title: Shatterproof Plan, Part 19
Author: [personal profile] digthewriter
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Word Count: 1235
Rating: PG-13
Warning/Content: EWE. Angst. Eventual HEA.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. This is all fun and no offence is intended.
Author's Notes: Unbetaed for the most part. Story is legit made up as I go along w/ the prompts.
Prompt/Challenge: Incorporating the following prompts: 1. [ profile] slythindor100 early bird prompt: owl, 2. [ profile] dracoharry100 prompt: Snow Angels, 3. [ profile] newyearcntdown prompt: First Decorations, 4. [info]adventdrabbles prompt/day 19: Secret Santa.

[lj / dw / IJ]

[info]torino10154 in [info]adventdrabbles


Here's the summary of entries we got for December 18th. Do check them out and then give the authors and artists some love. ♥

Harry Potter:
[info]digthewriter wrote Shatterproof Plan, Part 18 (LJ/IJ) Harry/Draco
[info]alisanne wrote Making an Appearance (LJ/IJ) James Sirius/Scorpius, Albus Severus
[info]titti wrote Clearing The Air (LJ/IJ/AO3) James Sirius/Scorpius, Harry and Ginny
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Seems to Us Kinda Silly (IJ) Harry/Draco

James Bond:
[info]alafaye wrote Pride Before a Fall James/Q

Let us know if there are any omissions or errors. Thanks!

[info]alafaye in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec 19, James Bond, James/Q, The Office Party

Title: The Office Party
Fandom: James Bond
Pairing: James/Q
Rating: G

The_Office_Party )

[info]titti in [info]adventdrabbles

Dec 19, Harry Potter, James Sirius/Scorpius, Telling The Family

Overall Series: First Christmas Together

Title: Telling The Family
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: James Sirius/Scorpius, Ginny, Hermione, Hugo, Ron
Rating: G
Word Count: 783
Prompt: Secret Santa
Note: Written for Advent Drabbles 2017.
Summary: The Weasleys find out about Scorpius and Jamie
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Read on LJ/IJ/DW/AO3

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

Prompt 20, 2017

Prompt twenty comes from [info]enchanted_jae and [info]firefly124! Thank you, ladies! <3

      12 18 22      
    15 20 17 09 05    
  03 19 23 13 01 11 07  
04 16 21 08 02 24 10 14 06
  26 27 28 29 30 31 00  

Or click here if the link doesn't work )

And remember, we'll take prompt suggestions at any time, even up to the last day of December. Just poke us on IJ or on DW.

Keep on going, you guys! You are doing fabulously!

[info]enchanted_jae in [info]adventdrabbles

Day 19: Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, It's Been a Year

Title: It's Been a Year Follows Seems to Us Kinda Silly
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 830
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
Jae's Advent Drabbles No. 19 - Spiced rum - [info]lijahlover
[info]newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 19
[info]adventdrabbles No. 19 - Secret Santa
[info]dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2017 No. 19 - Christmas pudding
[info]slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry Early Bird No. 19 - Mince meat pie
Summary: Harry and Draco attend the annual holiday soiree at Malfoy Manor.

It's Been a Year