Oct. 6th, 2010


The 'Where Are They Now' Post

As always, we get started, get distracted, put this aside, and then suddenly... Angel's demanding plotz-time. Go figure, yeah? :\

So~. This post, as it develops, is meant to collect current plotlines, questions we need to answer, and muses that we are working with. I'll edit this with a list as we get notes and such together. :D For now:

  • 10-06-10:
    • Gottis' Kirihara. Discussed having him as a fledgling Dragon, found by Yuki in Junon during a business trip for the Eight. Approx on day 23. Would probably need Dare for a three person log, re: Kiri's gang leader makes the stupid mistake of trying to take on Yukimura and meets the Hand of God.

    • Angel's Tachibana. Still have the mental image of him and Chitose escaping from Corel Prison. Reason, unknown. Does Dare still have a Chitose?

    • Gottis' Tanishi? We don't know? D:

    • Angel debates Rin or Ishida Gin as well. Best not discussed. :| ... nm. There is a Rin. He is from Wutai and all bff with Nanko. He also knows Chinen and trains in the martial arts under Sumire-sensei. :|

    • There is also a Miyuki. And a Nanako. We're fucked. :Db

Jul. 7th, 2009


[mod] Timeline of Current Story Arc // TOC

I think, since most of our logs, are revolving around the same events or happening congruent to one another, that we are need of a timeline/table of contents of sorts. I will add additional logs to this as they are written, just give me a head's up as to about when they occur in relation to everything else. :D

This is only for logs that are in 'present' time.

I also noted the logs that I know are in progress, just so I have a point of reference. ♥ Let me know if anything needs added! :D

Timeline/TOC )

Mar. 30th, 2009


[mod] Tags Updated

And still in the spirit of housecleaning, I've made a few changes to the tags.
    Mod tags, including those that lead to game information, hiatus notes, and the friends' list builder, are now formatted as ! [TAG]. They will appear at the top of the tag list on the right column of the new community layout.

    Ratings have their own tags as well: - rating: [RATING]. They will appear grouped together under the mod tags. I will go back through logs later and add rating tags to those that don't have them.

    Character tags should have been updated to include all known muses (including the chocobo). If a character is not there, please tell me and I will add it. Siblings and relatives are formatted [last name] [first initial], as on "oshitari y" and "oshitari k". Other characters are by whatever name is most common for us to call them; if these need changed, just let me know and I was alter them on the tag management page.

    The link list that was at the right is removed; the new ordering of the tags should make that information easy to find.
Also, the Taken Characters and Mun Information have been altered to reflect our current standings.
Tags: ,

Mar. 29th, 2009


[mod] Housecleaning~.

Well, we are apparently stirring up muses for logging purposes, which means that not only will some of the journals created for this game see some activity, but some new ones might have to be created.

Thus, a bit of housecleaning is in order.

Let me know which journals are still going to be active -- or at least will need community access for posting logs (since that seems to be our main focus right now) -- by posting a comment with a list of all the journals you intend to use and the character that they belong to. This includes new journals as well as old ones. I will post with a new friends' list builder at the end of the week, as well as update/recreate the 'taken' character list, and make sure that everyone is added to the community with posting access.

Characters/players who do not comment will not be removed from the community, but I am not sure if should add them to the new f-list builder. I'm pretty sure Ai is not interested and Saeki should be considered 'dropped,' however I don't know if Shu is still interested. I believe that was it for other players since we kept this small and closed to applications.

And I suppose we should consider if we're actually going to start using journal posts again, and if so, what sort of activity we all should keep to maintain our own interests, as well as what information needs tweaked to match the new directions some of the story lines are taking.

Nov. 27th, 2007


Updates / New Character~

The Friends Builder has been updated~

And Bane did, indeed, move into my head. :\ Please add [info]forged to your friends' list.


Oct. 25th, 2007


We has an An~

She snuck in while I was buried by PowerPoint and wasn't looking. I'm assuming she's yours, Shu. So, just for the FYI, the friends builder been updated again.

Please add [info]imageillusion / Tachibana An to your flists.


Oct. 10th, 2007


[mod] F-List Builder Update~

The Friends' List Builder has been updated.

Added is:


Sep. 26th, 2007


[mod] F-Builder Update

The friends' list builder has been updated. If I've missed anyone, please leave me a message.

Added are:


Sep. 20th, 2007


[mod] Taken Characters / NPCs And OCs

Taken Characters )


NPCs And OCs )

If you create an additional NPC or OC and wish to write a small blurb for him/her, please leave it in the comments and I'll add it to the list.

Tags: , ,

Sep. 18th, 2007


[mod] FFVII Links

Because not everyone is going to come to this game with the same background knowledge of Final Fantasy VII, here are some links to help with broad questions and to use as a springboard for ideas. Most of these are, in some form, game guides, but a couple provide further back story on the basis of the FFVII world.

Reference Material / FFVII )
Tags: ,


[mod] Cities And Major Regions

As much of the detail as possible about the cities and regions in [info]advent_princes is derived directly from the game itself, however to make these places more usable in a non-linear game, they've been expanded and details have been added or altered slightly. These are only the cities of Final Fantasy VII; special locations, mountain passes, etc. are not going to be listed. Areas like the City of the Ancients should be considered off-limits and/or unknown to the general population.

These are only general guidelines, and details can be added to or expanded on as need be. Players are welcome to add to the basic descriptions of these places.

Cities/Major Regions )


[mod] GeoStigma / GSII

GeoStigma and GSII Information )


[mod] Mako Energy And Pure Materia / Grey Mako And Materia

Mako Energy And Pure Materia vs Grey Mako and Grey Materia )


More Materia Information, Including Tables )


[mod] Characters / Character Applications

Characters )


Character Applications )
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