February 2nd, 2010

[info]slums_survivor in [info]advent_princes

[log] Kamio, Zaizen

Date: Day 013
Rating: G
Summary: Hikaru and Kamio mutually try to figure each other out.

Now Kamio answered questions about how much Materia he'd used since the last test, how many Potions he'd consumed. )

[info]midgar_enigma in [info]advent_princes

[log] Kenya, Zaizen

Date: Day 014
Rating: G
Summary: Kenya takes Zaizen shopping. ♥ [On Yuki's journal because I still haen't figured one out for Kenya! :3]

If Kenya had learned anything about the younger man the past few days that he'd been staying with him, it was that Zaizen was a veritable sponge for new information. )

[info]eidetic_savant in [info]advent_princes

[log] Kajimoto, Sakuno, An

Date:Day 018
Summary: The Hanamura 'siblings' Takahisa and Sakuno.

I'll take it you didn't get my message. )

[info]silentturk in [info]advent_princes

[log] Chinen, An

Date: Day 020
Rating: G
Summary: After a screwed up mission, An comes back to Chinen.

Empty. )