whispered in dreadful longing
December 15th, 2009 
06:37 pm - crawl (aeotha) [aeotha easaahae, ilúvatar voronwé, the shadow ride]
One long step beyond the jagged mouth of the cave planted his feet firmly in the Underdark. A part of Ilúvatar felt as though there should be more than that to mark the barrier. Only a sudden chill gave him notice that could not be seen. What could be seen, of course, was incredible. Ilúvatar did not think such a collection of simultaneous horror and wonder existed anywhere else in the world. Rock caverns twisted downward in a never-ending spiral that vanished bleakly into total darkness. The only thing that kept the darkness from reaching them here, now, was a spiderweb of dark blue veins that clung to the sides of the walls. Ilúvatar took a hesitant step forward, the double-headed beast of an axe in his hand. Ready to strike. Only there was nothing there to strike, nothing at all save a vague ethereal blue that coated his skin and his clothing. Armor. He truly should have invested in armor. It was the only thing that made sense.

Armor only slowed you down. )
05:52 pm - the best oath that money can buy (ithacles, vedette) [ithacles, skandra tyullis, vedette uthral]
A courtyard was a broad sort of opening purposed for nothing. It had smooth stone, sometimes engraved, always carefully cut and arranged just so. In this case, a flat square pattern that ran the length and width of the courtyard, made from gray stone - cut in the center with a hollow circle of red stone. Around the edges of said courtyard was a covered walkway, sloping ceilings of still more stone supported by columns. Not just any columns, of course. Square-cut columns that had scenes from Faustben's history engraved upon them. A chariot aflame, its rider being dragged behind as a chimera followed. Skandra did not believe for a moment that anyone from Faustben had ever fought a chimera - hell, he did not even believe that a chimera could truly exist - but there it was, right next to depiction of battle after battle. This was a courtyard that belonged to soldiers, made by soldiers for the express use of soldiers.

Probably why it made him nervous. )
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