whispered in dreadful longing
August 13th, 2009 
11:03 pm - misplaced (eragos) [circles, eithne savastian, eragos feareborne]
The Boar's Tooth Inn was not known for it's ale, or for how clean it was.. as both were just relatively good. but it was known for being cheap. It was also known for being a good place for less savory travellers to stay. That is where she chose them to stay, although Geoff had harped something about staying in Hyacinth Cross instead to which Eithne had promptly took his hand and bent his fingers back one at a time until he wept his agreement without actually shedding a tear, and so that was where Eragos, Geoff, Martine, and Cols were. Waiting in their room, while Eithne ventured out of the inn the moment they had purchased a room, and back out into the outskirts of Agethlea.

What none of them knew wouldn't kill them. Eithne should have mentioned what this circle was like before going off to register for a fight. But she hadn't wanted to sit with them after their long journey from Oisea, especially not after she'd been so.. soft about how she felt about the situation. Normally things didn't bother her like this. Normally spending money made her feel better. This time it did not. This time was so much different. Going into the circles again made her feel different, she felt severed from it, alien to all of it.

How did she fit into this anymore? )
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