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Jan. 4th, 2009


I guess I could use more friends..

Introduction Suggestions
Name: Andy
Location: Michigan
Age: 26
Interesting fact about you: I'm a webcomic artist, and working on my very first comic book.
Egg preference (scrambled, over-medium, um yuck): Scrambled with cheese and onion. yum.
Shoe size: 8 1/2 or 9
Which color of the rainbow best represents you? Why: I'm the space between the colors. Because I'm everything and nothing. I am the Id. o.o
A link to your profile: Link!
Other: I'm f2m transsexual, and in a semi-serious relationship with a girl online. I'm a full-time job hunter and volunteer at the local animal rescue.. I love art, horror movies, I like some animes, I'm a huge Jhonen Vasquez fan, um.. I reckon I'm a little bashful as I don't know what all to say about myself. ^^; I like intelligence and humor in people.. yeah okay that's all I'm going to say, too tired to think of anything else. hehe.

Dec. 31st, 2008



Name:  "Gee".  it's a nickname, but it will do. . . .
Location:  springfield, ohio, usa.
Age:  20!!!  8D
Interesting fact about you:  >_>;  pfft.  (insert low self-esteem gesture hereeee.)
Which color of the rainbow best represents you? Why:  red, i guess because i'm an angry person.  +_+...
A link to your profile:
Other?..:  hey all!!  i'm just here looking for friends.  >___>"  *cough*  i am a gender confused "female"... who thinks they are "male".  8DD  i don't have any pictures due to my digicam being broken...  (p.o.s.!!!)  but if and when i get a new one or magically fix my old one, then i will gladly post if requested~~~  let's see..

i like computers.  i live and BREATHE wires.  wires run through these veins, man.  .___."  i love to play keyboards..  (musical instrument as well.  XD)  i love music.  all kinds...  gah, it's almost 7AM and i can't think!!  < -- i have insomnia, obvious?? i also love comics, manga, anime, cartoons.. i wish i had super powers.. >_>"..  umm.  wow.  i hope i don't sound boring, wtfh...

so .. if i sound interesting...  probably not.... D:  then please add me!!  i have AIM + MSN...  i like to TALK to my friends.  i hope that's OK...  >_>;  that's about it~

-- GEE!

Nov. 24th, 2008


Looking for more amigos & amigas!

Name: Katie
Location: Fairview Heights, IL (i.e. next to Saint Louis, MO NOT Chicago, IL)
Age: 33 going on approximately 17
Interesting fact about you: I was born in Texas, raised in Missouri, and have lived in Utah, Massachusetts, and New York state. On a typical day, all of the accents cancel each other out and I end up with a middling accent.
Egg preference (scrambled, over-medium, um yuck): Scrambled with ketchup... hey, it's a Southern thing!
Shoe size: 12... did I also mention I'm 6' tall?
Which color of the rainbow best represents you? Why? Purple. Because it's somewhere between pink/red and blue.

I was looking at my friends page and realized that I need more people to chat with, so I figured that this group was probably the safest one for me at the moment. I got hit with the gay stick quite a bit - queer, poly, AND trans - although I try to stay away from labels, but it's interesting to try to come up with some that fit. I started transition from straight boy to queer woman at age 26, met my main partner almost 4 years ago and recently started dating a second partner who is about 10 days younger than I am, which is weird.

I do occasionally ramble, followed by days of silence while I'm living life. I'm at this point in life where my identity is slowly solidifying like gelatin. I have odd fandoms, sayings, thoughts and like to make people think. I'm political without being preachy and believe in everyone's right to individuality. And if you've gotten this far in the entry, you should friend me already!

Interests include: singing, anime, science fiction, the Final Fantasy games, alternative rock, reading, early Stephen King, and console gaming.

My nickname is [info]hazumuchan , who happens to be a character from the manga/anime Kashimashi ~Girl Meets Girl~. Hazumu, originally a boy, basically gets hit and destroyed by a spaceship who then recreates hir as a girl. Most of the story is taken up with a love triangle between the newly-female Hazumu, the tomboyish Tomari and the skittish Yasuna. Which is exactly why I love anime! ^_^

Nov. 11th, 2008


Public Service Announcement

Oct. 30th, 2008



Here is a picture update for you all. I hope you enjoy and leave comments ^-^.

Picture This )

Oct. 16th, 2008


Well here it goes


My name is Ryan. I am a homo. I'm currently in a 3 year relationship that Im trying to get out of, any advice would be nice o.o

I love animals. I have 4 dogs and 3 cats. They are my children.

I love people, but hate them too.

Well here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure! ENJOY!

Picture Me )

Oct. 10th, 2008


Hi. I'm new to IJ. I've had an livejournal for years, this is my first real IJ. I'd really love some new friends.

I'm Andrea. 22. Illinois. Genderqueer. I'm pansexual.

I just got out of a three and a half year relationship.

I don't know what to say about myself for these things.

I love animals. I have four dogs, two hamsters and a rat.

Loves: cartoons, video games, being a kid still, late night trips to the store for nothing at all, piercings, music, movies, tv, sleeping in, zombies,pirates and lumberjacks.

Hates: rude people, people that think they're too good to be silly and act stupid sometimes, homophobia, tornadoes, waking up, work.

Anything else you want to know, just ask. I'm a very open person.

Add me? :) I'll give you cookies.

Edited because I'm stupid.

Oct. 8th, 2008


Beware of Geeks Bearing Gifts.

NAME: Carol

AGE: 22

RANDOM FACT: I am the co-inventor of the logical proof that shows why the Virgin Mary is a weasel.

EGG PREFERENCE: Over-easy. Or deviled.

SHOE SIZE: 7.5-8

WHICH COLOR OF THE RAINBOW BEST REPRESENTS ME: Blue. I'm as unpredictable as water, plus it's my class color.

INTERESTS: Comic books, Firefly, Harry Potter, Neil Gaiman's fiction, music, Arthurian legend and procrastination.

HOBBIES: I enjoy knitting, cooking, reading and procrastinating. I migrated over to IJ with the great Livejournal strikethrough exodus of 2007 and I'm sufficiently active in fandom that I find IJ much more relaxing.

LOOKING FOR: Anyone who thinks they'd like to get to know me better. Bad spelling and grammar drive me up the wall, but past that I'm pretty flexible. I love talking to new people and I'm on AIM all the time.

ANYTHING ELSE: I'm much more open here than I am on my Livejournal and I like gifting music to people. I don't necessarily post everyday - I try not to bore others with the "and then, and then, and then" of everyday life, but I update a couple times a week, usually. To be fair, my posting has been decreased lately, due to thesis.

Profile is here.

X-posted with some editing to [info]addme

Jul. 16th, 2008


Name: Doris
Location: WV
Age: 21
Interesting fact about you: I really don't have an interesting fact. Except that the first time I did this little question thing, I accidentally posted it to my personal journal rather than here. XD Really, though, you might learn those interesting facts if you add me. =)
Egg preference (scrambled, over-medium, um yuck): I don't like eggs at all. If I have to eat them, I want them scrambled. But seriously, most of the time eggs make me sick. I can't stand them. Definitely this would be "um yuck."
Shoe size: Lately I've been getting/wearing 8 1/2. It's because I broke my toe last year and now any shoe size smaller than that makes the toe hurt. XD
Which color of the rainbow best represents you? Why: I don't know. My favorite color is blue. Does that count?
A link to your profile: PROFILE! (Changed this to link to the profile of my new journal. Just add me there if you happen to find this entry...)

Jul. 15th, 2008


Name: Leesa Marie
Location: OC. ( No. Not "THE" OC - it is not the orange county ug. )
Age: 19
Interesting fact about you: My first crush ever was Xena. One day, I will marry Lucy Lawless. Hey, it's legal where I live!
Shoe size: 8 well, depending on the shoe. Sometimes its 7 1/2
Which color of the rainbow best represents you? Why: Red? I'm passionate and full of energy, woo!
A link to your profile: click me? [info]scarletgrey comment my friend only post & add me :D I'll add you back.

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