December 24th, 2007

[info]ex_menagerie993 in [info]addme_glbt

Happy Generic Winter Holiday #3

Howdy all. I'm another pilgrim from livejournal.

Male as far as I can figure out. My friends describe my sexuality as "yes". I'm married to another man, we've been at it for over a year in that respect (and have been together for 6 and a half years). This is easier said than done when he lives in England and I don't. (I tried but it didn't go well). Eclectic with slight goth leanings. I'm into BDSM. I'm philosophically a bit of a humanist I guess. Not quiet an atheist, not a theist, hang out with a bunch of wacky pagans but they're the ones who've tolerated me.

I'm an artist and a writer. I'm learning to paint, and work mostly in lead at this point in time. My art is a bit comic booky (which is okay because I am a huge comic book nerd, though I haven't been buying in the past few years). I'm intending to launch a webcomic in the future, and when that happens my journal will be used to promote that a bit better probably.

I'm a gamer nerd, mostly table top sort of RPGs though, not as much into the video games. I'd rather do my interacting with people in person. I love Kingdom of Loathing though.

I'm a little crazy. My family life is insane (like many of ours, though mine possibly more so due to someone who I can only guess is schizophrenic being my mother...) There's a reason I moved far away from them when I came back to the US. (Colorado specifically).

I have a job that, while it's decently paid, provides me a bit of extra time, so I'm on the internet a lot.

Other than that, not much happening.

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