December 22nd, 2007

[info]rainbow_goddess in [info]addme_glbt

I guess I should introduce myself

I'm rainbow. I'm a "b" in GLBT. I'm a bi woman in a long-term relationship with a male partner.

I never know what people will want to know about me, so I guess I'll just ramble on a bit. I'm disabled. I have a whole host of medical conditions that I won't bother listing here. I also have Asperger's Syndrome (and yes, I was diagnosed by a real doctor with a degree and everything).

I'm Canadian, and I'm very left-wing in my politics. Americans would probably call me a "liberal." I believe in universal health care, same-sex marriage (well duh, otherwise I wouldn't be here), proper care and support for the poor and disabled, rehabilitation for addicts and alcoholics rather than incarceration, and a whole bunch of other things that I won't list here, otherwise I'd be spending an entire day writing this.

I spend probably way too much time on the internet. I'm not exactly unemployed, but I'm not exactly employed either. I have a seasonal job with long periods of no work, followed by periods of work that last ten to 12 hours a day. However, this coming year I am planning to take a leave of absence and go to school to study to become a legal assistant.

I love cats. I live with three of them. I talk about them a lot. They're my family. I love all animals, really, but cats are my favourite.

I run two asylums: [info]diabetes and [info]asperger.

Fandoms I enjoy to a greater or lesser extent: Doctor Who, Torchwood, Veronica Mars, Due South, Starsky and Hutch (the TV series, not the movie), Buffy & Angel, CSI (original and Miami), NCIS, House, Boston Legal, Criminal Minds.

I used to write fanfic but my muse up and left me a few years ago and never came back except for very brief visits once a year or so. When I did write fanfic, it was slash. Pairings I'm a fan of:

Jack/Ianto in Torchwood;
Doctor/Jack in Doctor Who (either ninth or tenth Doctor);
House/Wilson in House'
Fraser/RayK and Fraser/RayV in Due South;
Starsky/Hutch in Starsky & Hutch.

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