December 15th, 2007

[info]leianora in [info]addme_glbt

Hello all, accent on the hell! :D

My real name is Erika, and I'm 32. I'm bisexual, single, and looking! I live in Daytona Beach, and there are days when I really hate it here! I'm blind, always have been, love life for its own sake, adore dogs of any and all types, envy people who have long hair and could play with their hair for hours, and hate to cook and vaccume. I don't mind doing the rest of the cleaning, though. :D

I write the occasional fan fiction story, mostly in the Harry Potter universe, but I have been known to write Count Dooku in Star Wars, Garak Bashir in Star Trek DS9, Jack/Ianto in Torchwood, and even some general fan fiction in Frank Herbert's Dune universe. I'm currently getting my certification to become a high school or middle school teacher of English for the state of Florida, and will be finished with that at the end of June. Someone in an earlier entry stated that he/she lives just north of San Fransisco. I got my guide dog from a school in that area. San Raffael, to be exact. :D It's a wonderful school, and I'll never, ever get a guide dog anywhere else. Donate to them as often as you can, even if it's only $10. They will gladly use it to help the doggies get the very best of everything life has to offer them. Guide dogs for the Blind is one of the top three schools in the entire country.

I have no idea what prompted me to write that. Getting back to my introductory post... I should add that if you have any questions about what it's like to be blind or how I accomplish tasks in my everyday life, feel free to ask. I never get offended by such questions. Indeed, I love answering any questions about blindness in general, or my circumstances specifically. Is that self-centered of me? Ah well, such is life, I suppose. :D

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