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Back May 15th, 2009 Forward
zetta [userpic]

just moved to this journal and need some friends.
very friendly & active.
have zero tolerance for online drama of any kind.
i dont like lame crap like asking someone to add you
then deleting them right away, i dont play that way.

tiffhop --> 17th --> zetta.

lets be friends?

hey guys, i'm lexie, i'm 18, and i'm an english major in college. i basically just want new awesome people to add since it seems like my entire fl has disappeared. some of my many loves are demi lovato, anything disney related (because i'm a huge dork), the beatles, the office, and taylor swift. so if you feel like adding me, go right ahead!

All right.

I have eight friends, six of those that don't really post.

My name is Jessica, most call me Jess. I'm 22, jobless[looking for one as I type], and I write endless novellas that I wish would end. I have a boyfriend that I'm crazy about [of course]; I'm three quarters Asian and I love dirty jokes. I'm pretty free spirited and I tend to want to help people with their problems before helping my own. I know, it's a sickness.

Anyways, I'm really looking for friends; interesting people who want to comment on what I have to say even if it is mundane. Getting comments is the most exciting about owning a journal. I mean, what's the point of having an online journal if there is no one to comment on it, right?

Add me, love me, bring me news from wherever you are located. I'm always interested in every one even if they're older or younger than me. Just be warned, I write rather provocatively at times and I tend to harp on people who are horrible at spelling. [Sorry, guys. I know tons of people who suck at it and I love them anyways.] Oh, and I cuss.

Current Mood: curious curious

Hello, my name's Melissa and I'm eighteen. I love all types of music, except for country. I can't go a day without listening to music. I love to read and I'm always in the middle of reading a book. I love photography and I take a lottt of photos.
I'm looking for new friends since my friends list has been kind of slow for the past few months. I don't need someone who has to update every single day, but a few comments here and there are fine. If you're interested, just add me.

A few photos of me )

Current Mood: content content
Current Music: My Little Tragedy by Zeromancer
Back May 15th, 2009 Forward