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Back May 5th, 2009 Forward
casshole [userpic]

Hello! I'm Cassandra (Cassie for short.) I'm 20 years old and I live in a cow town in central Pennsylvania.

I am interested in most things people are interested - books, movies, music etc. I also enjoy making chintzy jewelry, hanging out at Dairy Queen with my friends from high school, and learning things about serial killers. I occasionally like to play video games, but mostly I just hang out while my boyfriend plays them. In December I graduated from the Art Institute of York Pennsylvania with an associate degree in specialized technology, majoring in interior design so of course I am working at Hersheypark this summer! I never got into the "college experience" of partying and getting drunk and, honestly, I don't like to read about it on a regular basis (unless you are really cool, then I'll deal with it.)

I update whenever I feel like it. My entries tend to be long. I mean, some people say their entries are long when they are a paragraph or two, so I guess that means my entries are super ginormous. Seriously, just look at this "brief description" I'm giving you. I mostly update about the occurrences in my everyday (boring) life, my boyfriend, his annoying mother, our cats, and my jobs. I also tend to talk about my health problems and my sex life, no matter how TMI the situations might be. Occasionally I like to make picture posts, and I only really comment if I have something to say.

I am looking for friends with similar interests, and people that won't mind my erratic, lengthy posts/a possible lack of commenting on my part every once in a while. If this sounds like your kind of thing, we should probably be friends. ;)

run home slow [userpic]


I'm Lauren, previously [info]howardmoon and I want new friends!

I just turned 24, this is my, I enjoy doctor who and the big bang theory and falling asleep to nick at nite.

I don't really post lots, but I try to comment so add me!

Back May 5th, 2009 Forward