Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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About AddMe
AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous April 20th, 2009 Next

Hello everyone, I am quite new to ij and thus, am in need of some friends. My name is Sara (saracat to most friends), I am 25 and currently live in Portland, Oregon. I wait tables during the graveyard shift at a 24 hour diner and have some pretty entertaining stories about that. I am fairly antisocial and my love life is a bit complicated. I am completely open minded and more than a bit odd/crazy. I am also bad at writing about myself. Uhh... some interests include Nick Cave (been a huge fan for 9 years, just saw him live for the first time last September) and music of a similar ilk, cats, science fiction, fashion and constantly changing my hair. I do drink and smoke pot and do other drugs occasionally so please don't add me if that offends you. Other than that I would prefer if you were 18+. Sooo feel free to add me if you would like and I shall return the favor.

Looking for new friends!

I'm 30 years old, intelligent. I usually post a few times a day about a wide variety of topics, ranging from trivial nonsense to news articles to what I've just read. My journal is semi-public/semi-friends-only. 98% of my posts are either public or in the general friends group. A small number are filtered. I'm an atheist, although I tend not to write too much about it. I don't have any problem with religious people, though, as long as you're not a fundamentalist or try to convert me to your religion. I'm willing to debate the topic, though (but do be warned that when I do get into the topic of religion, I get very serious.

As I write in my profile, rather quiet in person, I'm pretty loquacious in text. Intelligent, thoughtful, interested in a rather broad range of subjects. I like to meet all kinds of different people. Age, nationality, gender identity, religion or lack thereof, neurology, sexual orientation, what have you. Diversity makes the world an interesting place! :-)

So, if I sound interesting to you, add me please. :-)

Feeling : calm calm
Previous April 20th, 2009 Next