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Previous December 10th, 2008 Next

Hi! My name's Sarah and I used to be [info]steer. :) I love my journal life and the friends I make on here. I put a lot of time and effort into any and all people in my life. I'm only looking for four more friends. I just want some new, active friends. :)

All right, I recently joined IJ. I was on GJ before everyone jumped ship but went to LJ with some friends and got into for a while, but a lot of problems with people stabbing me in the back and causing unnecessary drama over crap has sent me looking for a new start in the online journaling world. So let's start with the basics.

My name is Ryan, I live in Montana, I'm Jewish, I'm bisexual, I'm 19 years old. I'm a pretty laid-back and honest person. I can admit to being stubborn and even judgmental at times, but I'm always trying to work on those things. I like to consider myself a funny person, and I love comedy whether it's in the form of stand-up, movies, tv shows, or books. Some of my favorite shows are Southpark, The Office (US and UK), and Parking Wars. Favorite movies include the Monty Python movies, Young Frankenstein, The Dark Knight, and Reservoir Dogs, plus I love almost anything Johnny Depp, Morgan Freeman, and Gael Garcia Bernal have been in. My music collection is mostly made up of rock music, but if something that's hip-hop, pop, opera, or something else catches my attention, then I'm not afraid to indulge and admit that I like it. As far as what I update about...usually it's a combination of totally random stuff, rants about work/politics/whatever, and actual stuff about what's going on in my life. Note that I am a fairly liberal person, politically, certainly not far left, though, and as long as we can agree to be mature with one another then I don't care if you're more liberal or more conservative than me. I'd say I'm a pretty good commenter...I don't comment to everything, but it's not like I never comment. If you're a big commenter, that's cool, but if you're not then that doesn't bother me. Umm that is all I can think of to put down right now lol

Previous December 10th, 2008 Next