Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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About AddMe
AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous October 29th, 2008 Next

Hi, I'm Justine. I'm 20 years old, 21 in January. I'm engaged and live with my fiance. In the past year, my life has completely changed - for the better and for the worse. In the whirlwind of drugs, working, planning a wedding, and coming to terms with the fac that I'll be moving out of the country in about a year, I'm turning to this as another source of sanity, somewhere to get away and write down my thoughts.

I can be serious, but I can also be fun. I'm very quirky and very random. I love music, just like everyone else. I'm a hippy in pretty much every sense of the word [minus the whole not showering/shaving thing]. I'm not a comment whore, and I don't expect comments, but they're always nice to get. ;]

I play World of Warcraft, and so does Joe, but we're a hot couple, so you can take your stereotypes and shove it.

I smoke weed on the reg and have a tendency to mention being messed up on other drugs, so if that offends you, then I wouldn't suggest adding me.

Overall, I can be a really good friend. I actually read what you have to say, and I will input my advice/opinion where I see fit.

Comment here or the friends only entry. )

E.M.I.L.Y. [userpic]

So, only about five of my friends ever update. I'm searching for some more cool people!

I'm Emily, I'm 20, living in Oregon. I'm a student at a community college, I love Sociology and English stuff. I love to write, travel, read, waste time on the internet, hang out with my husband, take pictures, paint, play board games. The only TV shows I watch are The Office and Lost, I'm more of a movie person. My favorites are Clue, The Goonies, the Batman movies, and Pirates triology. I listen to pretty much all music, but my favorites are Death Cab for Cutie, Matisyahu, Jack Johnson, David Crowder Band, Chris Tomlin. I love Jesus, and probably half of my entries are about church or what I'm studying in the bible. The rest is stuff about my life. Honestly, I only update like once a week, but I like commenting!

Ooh, and I echo the post below me - add me if you're doing Nanowrimo! (I'm coolpearls on the forums, too, lol)

Previous October 29th, 2008 Next