Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous October 23rd, 2008 Next
In Need Of Some Friends

NAME: Kristin
NICKNAME: Kris/Leah/Ely/Krissy (just a few of the many
AGE: 20
INTERESTS: music, movies, tv, concerts, etc.
FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Supernatural (THE FAVE.... only one i will make my roommates change it to!! hehe), Chuck, Family Guy, Eureka, Dark Angel(so sad it's gone..but i definitely watched it when it was actually on), One Tree Hill, HEROES(another dose of supernaturalness and special powers.. fun fun), Psych (can't forget that one! the one-liners shawn and gus say are enough to sell that one), etc.
FAVORITE BANDS:  Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Blake Lewis (Love the version of "you give love a bad name"), Good Charlotte, NOFX, Fall Out Boy (Pete Wentz is a freaking amazing lyricist), Panic! at the Disco, Cute is What We Aim For, The Spill Canvas, Something Corporate, Jack's Mannequin, Blue Oyster Cult, Boston, October Fall, Jimmy Eat World, Old Disney Musical songs, etc.(pretty Much everything under the sun except rap)
FAVORITE MOVIES: TWILIGHT(Love all the books and can't wait for the movie!),Across the Universe, Sweeny Todd, Hairspray, The Crow, Enchanted, August Rush, Center Stage, Chasing Liberty, The Covenant, Dirty Dancing, Finding Nemo, Foolproof, Free Willy (1,2,and 3), Happy Feet, History of the world Part I, Holes, Interview with a vampire, Jurassic Park(all 3 once more), The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Men in Black, Phantom of the Opera, The Princess Bride, RENT(how do you measure your life?), School of Life, She's the Man, Step UP, Secret Window, Pirates of the Carribbean, the count of Monte Cristo, Stardust, Sky High( ohhhhh... Steven Strait....mmmm),  and Many, many, more....
LOOKING FOR: People who comment (not all the time but you know once every few entries), people who update their journals, people that share a few of the main interests (and if you don't have interests on your user info page... PLEASE let me know what we have in common)
ANYTHING ELSE: do not add me if... (definitely stole this from someone else's post, but it works for me too... so....)
1.) you use drugs and update about it regularly --- your choice, but it's my choice to not want to read updates about it.
2.) you can't spell everyday words and/or I have to pretty much read your entry three or four times to make sense of it --- not asking for college level writing here because I'm far from it myself, but N0N3 0f THiS.
3.) you update only once every two months.
4.) you don't comment, yet expect comments from everyone else.

now... definitely check out my blog if you want and if you want to friend me, comment on one of my posts in my blog, k?


Listening to: "Hey, Hey" - October Fall

<b>NAME:</b> Victoria - Just call me Vixy
<b>AGE:</b> Twenty Two!
<b>INTERESTS;</b> Photography, Dance clubbs, My boyfriend, Friends, Driving, Partys, The Ocean, Shopping, Whatever I feel like doing!  Read all about me in my Info theres so much stuff there!
I go to college
take lots of pictures
spend time with my boyfriend when I can
hang with friends
party hardy
laugh a lot!
Sing my heart out.
Drive around love driving by the Ocean
Go out dancing when I can!
<b>LOOKING FOR;</b> What are some people you're looking for? What kind of qualifications do you want your friends to follow? Someone who wont care if I swear, talk filthy, have some bad habits somebody who wont judge me who is cool and a good person and preferabally around my age if not thats cool as long as you can accept who I am and accept my filthy mouth, bad habits and understand im really just a girl with a huge heart who laughs way to much haha!
<b>ANYTHING ELSE;</b> Hope somebody cool adds me ;)

Previous October 23rd, 2008 Next