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Back July 17th, 2008 Forward
Add me?

I'm Ethan, but my first name is Andrew. I go by Ethan because I think it sounds better, and there is almost always someone else named Andrew; it's far too common. I'm the guy you see in class reading novels through boring lectures, correcting teachers' spelling/grammar mistakes, and finishing assignments before anyone else. I prefer the use of metrics, and the 24 hour clock. I detest American 12 hour time, it is a nuisance to me. I love trance music. I live in Orange County, California. I plan on moving out when I turn 18, either somewhere out of state, or somewhere nearby where I'm currently residing. I'm 17 years old, about to be a Senior in high school, and *very* gay. My journal may sometimes on occasion have some adult-themed entries, so if you're okay with that, go ahead and add me!

Picture time!

I'm obvy on the left ♥ ♥ ♥

Name: Melissa.
Age: Seventeen.
Favorite Bands: Mindless Self Indulgence, Zeromancer, Charlotte Sometimes, The Bravery, The Cranberries/Dolores O'Riordan, Denali, A Perfect Circle, System of a Down/Serj Tankian, Porcelain and the Tramps, etc.
Favorite Book(s): Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Interview With the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, The Queen of the Damned, Cell, Impulse, Crank, Glass, Grotesque, Wicked Lovely, etc. There are tons more, but I'd rather not list all of them. You'd get bored eventually.
One odd thing about you: My entire existence is odd.
Coolest thing to ever happen to you: People love me.
Anything you want to add? I think I'm a pretty decent person, if I do say so myself. I'm random, crazy, and awkward, but I guess that's what makes me awesome? I'm obsessed with rainbows, vampires, and unicorns. I will be a senior this coming August when I return to school. And I'm somewhat excited, but I'm mostly scared shitless. I don't judge others, and I hope that you won't judge me. I am bisexual, and I hope anyone who is against it can get over it and not be immature. And I love photography.
I want new friends.
P.s; I rant a lot.

Uhm, I think that's about it.
If you want to know more, ask.
Comment the FO post, please.

My faceee )

Promoting my add me community :)


Anyone is free to join! Be sure to tell all your friends, etc!

Maxwell Demon [userpic]

NAME: Karina, but I go by Charlie in fandom

AGE: 23

INTERESTS; Hanson, Harry Potter, drawing, painting, singing, dancing, sewing, clothes, shopping... I have a lot of interests.

HOBBIES; I spend a lot of time on my art. As an art student, that's kind of a given. I also do a lot of shopping, even though I'm poor.

LOOKING FOR; I'm looking for people who are interested in some of the same things as me or who are outlandishly fierce.

ALSO KNOWN AS; The Livejournal

Back July 17th, 2008 Forward