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Back June 6th, 2008 Forward

NAME: Kathryn
AGE: 19
INTERESTS; Basketball, photography, any and all forms of music, broadway, cooking, etc
HOBBIES; Photography, guitar, writing, sleeping haha
LOOKING FOR; I'm just looking for some cool people who provide interesting/entertaining entries for me to read. No real qualifications or anything.
ANYTHING ELSE; I used to blog like crazy but then I stopped. I want to get back into it now and all my original friends have stopped blogging so I need to meet some new people!

A picture of me )

NAME: Allison
AGE: 17
INTERESTS; politics, journalism/investigative journalism, theatre, cultures, music
HOBBIES; reading, writing, sleeping, shopping
LOOKING FOR; I'm not really looking for a "specific" type of friend and there aren't any insane qualifications to be my friend either. I'll add anyone because my friend page never moves, I enjoy getting to know people from different backgrounds and lifestyles, I don't judge. I only ask that you give me that same respect back and we should be fine!
ANYTHING ELSE; My favorite music artists/bands are: M.I.A., Arctic Monkeys, Jason Mraz, Coldplay, Ben Kweller, Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Feist, Sondre Lerche, etc. My favorite tv shows/channels are: X-Files, Ugly Betty, CNN, Anderson Cooper 360, Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU, Take Home Chef, and The Soup. I'm a pretty open-minded person, add me if you want! And I hope you do ;)


Hi, I'm Nik. I'm 23, I from Rochester new york.
I'm bi-polor (so sometimes not usally my entrys are jumpy) and im deaf and blind on my left side.

My hobbies/likes? Anything and everything.
Coffee, smoking, drinking, reading, writting, drawing, movies, parties, driving, anime, manga, gothic plushies and dolls, comedy, fishing, camping, boating, ect ect

I dont care what u write about, or what ur into. I am not here to judge you. Just please dont TyPe LyKe DiS.
Im pretty random, I say whatever on my mind, how i feel, how i dont feel, what i want or dont want. Just normal.

Back June 6th, 2008 Forward