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Back April 22nd, 2008 Forward

my name is haley and i'm seventeen years old. i'd like to say that i'm a well-rounded person, but i'm not sure you would agree. i love life and enjoy it to its fullest extent. i try my best not to have regrets, but instead have lessons learned. i'm a very open minded person and i'm easy to get along with. add me? i love you already.

Enter the dragon

Hi. I'm David, 25 years old from Las Vegas, and I just made this brand spanking new journal.  It needs some readers. Mostly, I just made this as an alternative to the other blogging site which I shall not mention.

A little bit about me. I am an asshole, but I am an equal oppertunity asshole; I am blunt and tell it like it is at all times, but I am not the kind to hurt someone's feelings just for the enjoyment of it. That being said, I wholeheartedly believe in schadenfreude being the greatest word to come out of Germany, and Dragostei din Tei to be the worst song to come out of Romania. I'm fucking weird, and I like my friends the exact same way. And yes, I really am this arrogant, but it's only because I've yet to discover the truth in what is in my opinion the greatest riddle in my world: me. Until that day, I'll continue to write, to entertain, and to draw ever closer to the answer via the written word.

Narcissism aside, writing is my passion, thus I enjoy the simplicities of blogging. I enjoy sharing the trials and tribulations of my life with the world, and I enjoy reading those of others. It's a strange connection, but it's there indeed; and the people I meet are often fascinating.

I promise to be an entertaining read, at best — psychotic mind fuck at worst.

You spell properly, and can form an intelligent entry worth reading.
You comment a lot.
You like comments. (cause I like to give them.)
You live in Las Vegas.
You know who my icon is.
You genuinely wanna make a new friend over the premis of writing.
You are female and hot.
Wait, did I say that out loud?

You can't spell, use more periods/ellipses than is needed, or your grammar is that of a first grader.
You suck.
You never update.
Likewise, you update 25 times a day with stupid one-liners such as "I want ice cream."

The obligitory picture of me in the mirror with a cell phone camera:

Back April 22nd, 2008 Forward