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AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous April 6th, 2008 Next

Hey. I'm Toby. I originally had a journal on GJ under the name i_rock_dude but I haven't posted there in a long time. I went through a lot of changes in my life, good and bad, since then, and I finally decided to get another online journal, and maybe try to actually keep it updated, but GJ is pretty dead, so I decided to come here.

A little bit about me...

I'm 22 years old, male, gay. Right now I live with my parents, in Miami, Florida. Again.

I like to surf, swim, pretty much anything involving water. Also snowboarding, a little skateboarding now and then, and mountain biking. I like the outdoors.

But I'm also kind of (okay, very much) a nerd. I love computers. Gaming on them, surfing the internet on them, building them, killing them with too much use. I'm the kind of guy who people are always asking for computer help because I can explain things in idiot-talk, but I hate people asking because I can't explain things very well.

I like video games, especially stuff like DDR and Rock Band. My favorite music is trance/techno/electronica, anything with a good beat you can move to. I like some anime, but I'm not a huge geek about that (well, I sometimes am). I'm kind of a science nerd and I thought that made me really cool when I was in high school.

I go from being quiet and anti-social one minute to loud and crazy the next. I have kind of a twisted sense of humor.

That's about all I can think of. I'm not sure how often I'll be posting but I'll try to post at least once a week, and I generally check my flist everyday or every other day.

Mostly, I like to read about other people's lives and stuff. I'm too pathetic to actually look for anyone to add, so...tell me to add you. You don't even have to add me back. But it's fine if you want to, I'm just really boring.

Previous April 6th, 2008 Next