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Previous March 12th, 2008 Next
are you going 'round the twist? [userpic]

NAME: Steph
AGE: 17
INTERESTS; animals, horse riding, graphic design. poetry, various tv shows, music, reading, craft, art, ornaments, science, religions, cultures, anthropology, astronomy, astrology, fairies, fantasy. some of the fandoms I like (though I'm not always deeply into them, due to the fact some of them are shows and my cable keeps moving them or cutting them) Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, PotC, King Arthur, The L Word, Law & Order, Anita Blake, Meredith Gentry, Buffy, The Dead Zone, Stargate SG-1/Atlantis,
Charmed, Underworld, Star Trek, HEX, The 4400, The Tudors. I also love mythology more than words, particularly Greek and Celtic.
HOBBIES; Writing, RPing, cooking, singing, dancing, studying cultures and religions, reading mythology, drawing, painting, sculpture, making websites and graphics, walking in the rain, picnics, crafts, lots of other things. Oh, I make plushies.
LOOKING FOR; Nice people who comment and update at least semi regularly, open minded people, fellow writers would be nice, particularly those of the fantasy genre. Decent typing skills is nice, too much internet slang or short hand sort of makes me want to hit things.
ANYTHING ELSE; Have a browse over my friends only post before you add me, if you like. Oh, and I do use naughty words ^^

Name: Ana Sara (aka [info]bitterfig and [info]bitterfic)

Age: 36

Location: Chicago, Il

About me: I an over-educated supermarket cashier with considerable intellectual curiosity. I’m timid in real life but brave in print. I like to go deep in discussion and dissection of issues, including my personal issues. I am a bi-sexual feminist and strongly support gay rights. Politically I’m left leaning but I’m not an activist and don’t deal with politics nearly enough considering what’s going on in the world. I come from a religious background and though I no longer practice organized religion I have a strong moral core. I hate the idea of deliberately harming anyone or anything. I try (and often fail) to be empathic, caring and kind. I’ve been a vegetarian since 1994. Someday I’d like to be a vegan but at the moment I have too many issues with food to restrict my diet (I’ve been dealing with anorexia, bulimia and/or compulsive eating for most of my life). I get depressed a lot and am prone to self-pity but I also have a wry sense of humor and a deep interest in many things outside myself.

About my journal: I’m a compulsive writer. I keep a personal journal, [info]bitterfig, where I talk a lot about my daily life, work and family as well as my on-going struggle with depression and disordered eating as well as my thoughts on popular culture (movies, manga, comics, books of all kinds), religion/spirituality and sexuality.

I write fan fiction and archive it in my journal [info]bitterfic. My writing is adult in content, often dealing with topics such as rape, incest and psychological trauma. I write primarily slash and femslash with a bit of heterosexuality. My writing is mainly in the Harry Potter fandom but I also write for a range of films from Reservoir Dogs to 28 Days Later to There Will be Blood, manga/anime (Gravitation, X1999, Yami no Matsuei)… pretty much anything that sparks my imagination is fair game.

What I read: Non-fiction books about gay history, art, literature, and film. Dark fantasy, young adult novels, the beats, revised fairy tales, 19th century novels, comic books, manga.

What I don't read: Romance, thrillers/espionage, historical fiction, and most nonfiction.

Favorite authors: Angela Carter, Jack Kerouac, Francesca Lia Block, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Thomas Hardy, Oscar Wilde, Anias Nin, James Baldwin.

What I write: My personal writing tends ranges from bleak to humorous. I try to be as open and honest as I can. I often explore highly personal issues including food, family, sexuality and abuse.

With regard to fiction, I’m mostly writing fan fiction right now though I hope to return to orginal material at some point. My stories tend to be dark and disturbing, often concerned with the dynamics and consequences of abuse.

My writing isn’t for everyone but I think it tends to touch a chord with those who do respond to it

Could you edit someone else's work: Sadly, I have a learning disability and am dependent on others to edit my work but unable to return the favor.

What I’m looking for: I’m always interested in making new friends, seeing what other people are writing and what their lives are like. If someone friends me I usually friend back in a couple days. As a friend I’m low key. I don’t’ comment too often but I try and always respond to comments.

Me, Myself, and I: An Intorduction

Name: Anne aka </a></strong></a>[info]sakru909

About me: I'm a fairly smart high-school student, but I'm not as immature as most teenagers. I love writing fanfiction and original fiction; creating stories and exploring characters is what I do best. My fanfiction is posted to and my fanfic asylum, </a></strong></a>[info]sakru_tales. I don't have a religion per say, but I do believe in doing what's right and do believe there is a God even though I do question everything; that could just be my paranoia, but whatever. 

While I can't vote yet I do have a strong political basis. I don't care whether someone is a Democrat or Republican, I just want the best canidate to win. I also identify myself as bisexual and strongly believe in gay rights. I'm not much in the way of activism, but I do hope to get into that more.

About my journal: I post allot of stuff about fandom and my writing, but I do talk about jmy personal life fairly regularly. Many of my posts will consist of memes since I love doing those stuff. Sometimes I talk about the movies, tv shows, and books I watch/read, you can tell how much I like something if I talk about it at length.

Fandom and Fanfiction: I am a big procrastinator so don't update </a></strong></a>[info]sakru_tales often, but I'm always writing stuff. My biggest fandom latley has been The Black Jewels Trrilogy, but I do have many different book and movie fandoms; not much television shows though.

What I read: Fantasy, science fiction, thrillers/espionage, mystery, manga, and classic lit.

What I don't read: Most nonfiction, romance, and young adult.

Favorite authors: Douglas Adams, George Orwell, H.P Lovecraft, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Oscar Wilde, and Issac Asimov.

What I write: I write about anything that interests me, but I mostly write about high-school and the experince of being a teenager since I can relate to that and have recent experince that influences my writing. I try to inject humor into every story I write. The humor I write about can range from black comedy, snark and sarcasm, to light humor.

I do write about dark subject matter and explore the realms of the human psyche, but I do like to have happy endings bordering on being bittersweet. While I write mostly happy endings I sometimes write more dark or bleak endings, though it depends largely on what kind of story I'm writing.

When I write I always hope that I do get an emotional response from the reader, be it happiness or horror.

What I'm looking for: I'm interested in meeting new friends, like minded people who know what's going on. I'm pretty low-key so don't comment as much, but whenever someone comments on my posts I alwasy try and respond. 

Feeling : hopeful hopeful

i used to be [info]ryho, but sadly the account was suspended. if you knew me on that account, can you add me again? thanks. :)

An intro - for the second time!

Hello, InsaneJournal world.

I am simply a mysterious entity known as 'AoS'. I ramble about events that shape my life or events that have happened in the past but yet still bear some effect on me. Most of the time, they both seem to entwine with each other. IE: Past events influence present events. I am easy to get along with and am a decent/nice human being. I am an avid basketball/horror movie/metal fan and I consider these 3 things staple elements of my life - but they are not limits as to what I like. I do love talking about them though - as they are my passions - and I enjoy talking to others who are as passionate about them as well. Even if you don't enjoy them, that is fine. I won't hold it against you, heh.

More details about me: I am 25 (nearing 26), I'm a recluse, I have a thirst for knowledge, I'm rather open-minded, I have a sense of humor, I am honest, if I have something to say I will say it and I am very loyal to those who mean the most to me.

I'm not necessarily looking for people who enjoy the same things as I do, but decent people who are just open-minded and have a clue of what they are talking about, heh. It's also preferred that they be around my age in some form and have some sense of maturity.

That's basically it. If you'd like to add me, just leave me a comment and we'll go from there. :)

Feeling : calm calm
Listening to: Opeth - Reverie / Harlequin Forest
Previous March 12th, 2008 Next