Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous February 1st, 2008 Next

My name is Courtney, I'm 25, and I live in Virginia with my husband and our two cats. My husband is in the military and we are moving to Japan in about 6 months. I am a photographer. I enjoy music (mostly hard rock and metal), reading, traveling, surreal art, and movies.
As of lately my entries consist of getting ready for our move to Japan and our renewal wedding which is in about two weeks.
I am looking for friends that are around my age, I wont add anyone younger than 21 or over 30. I am not looking for people who post about drug or alcohol use. I'm past that stage in my life.
I am a friendly person with an opinion. I have made a lot of great friends through various blogging sites over the last 6 years.

If youre interested in adding me, please comment on my friends only post. thanks!

Feeling : okay okay

NAME: Emerald
AGE: 19
INTERESTS; art, theater, history, politics, trashy tv.
HOBBIES; stenciling, crocheting, acting, teenaged stuff.
LOOKING FOR; project 365 friends. people from all walks of life, young or old or somewhere in between.

NAME: Molli

AGE: 18

INTERESTS: I'm big into music and musical theater, and I'm kind of a geek. I love books, and my current favorites are Dracula and the Scarlet Pimpernel. My favorite currently-airing television shows are Doctor Who and Heroes, and I'm also into a ton that have been canceled, especially Farscape. My favorite thing in the world is language, and I'm a German major.

LOOKING FOR: Generally cool people I have something in common with. However, if you're prone to sexist, racist, or homophobic language, you can stop reading now. I'd also prefer people who can spell correctly at least 95% of the time.

ANYTHING ELSE: My journal is a combination of my (boring and uneventful) normal life and fandom-type musings. So, yeah.

Feeling : bored bored
Listening to: Ewigkeit - Tanz der Vampire
Loner [userpic]

NAME: Kristy

AGE: 19

FAVORITES; My Chemical Romance, God or Julie, Boys Like Girls, Within Temptation, Nickelback, Lord of the Rings, National Treasure, Pirates of the Caribbean, CSI, Lost, Harry Potter, Pandora Radio, Justin Bartha, Dominic Monaghan, Eric Szmanda, Orlando Bloom, forensics, mythology, vampires, Dracula's Riddle, anime, anything by David Eddings, The Noble Dead Saga

LOOKING FOR; Nice people who understand I have organic chemistry a life away from my laptopwhich consists mainly of organic chemistry which means I don't update and comment gobs. I do always read, though. Oh, and please type like a normal human being.

ANYTHING ELSE; I'm a college sophomore going for a biology major and biochemistry minor. My journal consists mainly of my boring life and some fannish-type things. I also like to rant, so be warned. I was/am forlorn_hope @ GJ.

Listening to: Firefly ~ Breaking Benjamin
tattooedsappho [userpic]

NAME: tattooedsappho
AGE: 27
INTERESTS: music (rock, metal, symphonic metal, alternative, grunge, classic rock, 80s, techno, jazz, acid jazz and occasionally country or classical and ... other stuff), reading, obsessively checking my gmail account, harry potter, csi, lost, battlestar galactica, horror movies, war movies, photography (especially black and white photography), dragons, wolves, cooking,
HOBBIES: camping and hiking (even if i dont get to do that much now), making icons (or at least attempting to), writing fanfiction (see previous), collecting books & mp3s, PS2 (currently guitar hero), board games
LOOKING FOR: people that i share common interests with (not all my interests, that wouldn't be fun. but it's nice to have a starting point). also, commenting is shiny ^_^
YOU SHOULD KNOW: i am bi and legally married to a woman (and unable to ever leave the state of massachuestts apparently). i own a pit bull - he is the sweetest baby in the whole world. some of my entries/icons may be "for mature audiences". i rarely use proper capitalization in my personal journal. <-if any of this bothers you, please just pass me by and go on your merry way.
ALSO KNOWN AS: tattooedsappho is apparently pretty darn unique and i've been able to snag it wherever i've been. my LJ, myspace and

Feeling : bouncy bouncy
Listening to: The Whomping Willows - Ginny Is A Punk Rocker
Previous February 1st, 2008 Next