Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous January 30th, 2008 Next
New to IJ would love some friends. :)

AGE: Older than I want to be.
INTERESTS; Photography, music, blogging, all forms of art, family.
HOBBIES; The basics are concert hopping, hitting up starbucks, going for walks in the city with my camera. I'm a concert photographer who works with local and regional bands, so basically my hobby is my job. It's fun and wonderful and I've just come out of hibernation (had a baby he's three months now so back to work!)
LOOKING FOR; I'm looking for anyone and everyone. I think we learn something from every interaction and I'm full of knowledge and curiousity. The only requirement to be my friend is that you do NOT type lYkE tHIs, are not racist, homophobic and I think that is about it.
Also: I do post a lot of images in my journal BUT I do it behind a cut.
ALSO KNOWN AS; and (yes I'm a transplant! Five long years with GJ I hope IJ will be just as awesome).

Feeling : cheerful cheerful

NAME: Heather.
AGE: 22.
INTERESTS; Reading, writing, phone chatting, movies, pretty men, diet dr. pepper, television, collecting purses, white rasberry ice tea.
HOBBIES; See above! haha.
LOOKING FOR; People who update, people who comment, people who aren't insane. I'm not picky.
NOTES: I was ~bournesupremacy on GJ.

NAME: amanda / manda. whatever rocks your socks, really.
AGE: eighteen.
INTERESTS; jennifer aniston is my hero. shia labeouf and matt damon own my soul. angelina jolie is not okay in my book but anyone who likes her is. my goal in life (pretend goal anyway) is to be george clooney's personal assistant with [info]evasive. 8]
HOBBIES; music is always a given i would say, reading is magical, writing is wonderful (because words are powerful), talking on the phone is love, movies are pretty nifty, celebrities are fun to read about.
LOOKING FOR; anyone that reads twilight or harry potter are automatically stamped awesome. brownie points to those that embrace their inner child and carry a torch for any/all disney movies. the little mermaid ftw. but if you fit none of that, you are undoubtedly cool in your own way.

NAME: Julie.
AGE: Nineteen.
INTERESTS; Disney. Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Musicals. Reading. Music. Movies. Will Ferrell. Stephen Colbert. RENT. Hairspray. Bright colors. Eating. CSI; only the original...none of that NY and Miami crap.
HOBBIES; I love reading, more than anything. I enjoy indulging myself into a good book and just staying there for hours...too bad my schedule doesn't allow for that. I roleplay a little bit, though I haven't had much time for it lately since spring semester starting. I make icons way too much.
LOOKING FOR; I don't need someone to fit qualifications. As long as you are willing to read my entries and are willing to get to know me and allow me to get to know you...I'm good. Also, I love reading other's comments on my entires.
ALSO KNOWN AS; I was thegirlsmiles on GJ, though more recently I was neveraskwhy on GJ. I just moved here from [info]mangos too.

Previous January 30th, 2008 Next