Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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Previous January 25th, 2008 Next
New to IJ

NAME: Jennifer
AGE: I am 19, will be 20 in March.
INTERESTS;My son, reading and books in general, movies, magazines, tv, cooking, Rachel Ray
HOBBIES; I love to read, and spend the majority of my time doing that. I also really love the video game runescape,call me a nerd 0_o.
LOOKING FOR; I am looking for random people, from different walks of life.
ANYTHING ELSE; I've had many LJ's but i would like a journal where i am not afraid to have it public, because someone i know might see it. I don't know anyone from IJ so this should work out well :P

location: Home
Feeling : accomplished accomplished
Listening to: Good Morning America

I'm Erica, hello!

I'm twenty, I live in central Illinois, I lead a sometimes boring life. I update way too much, about pretty much nothing. I'm not employed at the moment, because I'm 7 months pregnant. I live with my fiance and our dog and it's usually one of them or the baby that I ever update about.
I love video games - World Of Warcraft + Warcraft 3, The Sims, Anything Nintendo-related- and movies - My new favorite is Juno- and music, which I can't even begin to get into at the moment.
I check MySpace like 18 times a day. I have a pregnancy-related sleep disorder. I'm awake all the time. So MySpace is my best friend. There's always someone on to annoy.

If you're a mom, join my new asylum - [info]moms_n_babies

It's been about five months since I last made a post here, so I figure I might as well take another stab at it. XD

Basics: I'm Suzanne, I'm twenty, and I reside in Scotland. I'm a youth worker but I'm currently scrambling for more work; I just recently got back from ten weeks doing charity work in Malaysia with Raleigh International. I'm currently trying to get into Edinburgh or St Andrew's university to do something politics or philosophy related.

It's probably safe to say there will be a lot of travel-talk in my journal for a while. ;)

I'm a bit of a fangirl and I have no illusions about how lame I can be. I have a worrying tendency to fall in love with characters who are either spoiled brats or childish sociopaths - I'm not quite sure what's behind that. My boyfriend claims that's why I'm with him, and I haven't quite unravelled that, either.

I do a lot of theatre-related stuff and I'm trying to get my lazy self back into photography. I was an RPer - Call of Cthulhu and Dungeons and Dragons, mostly, as well as a few online things - but I've fallen out of the habit. I'm just discovering anime: Samurai Champloo, Bleach, Death Note, Ouran Host Club. I adore Invader Zim and Firefly, oldskool Transformers, and a few films have my devotion (Battle Royale, Advent Children and the utter cheese of Sin City, not to mention LotR and both Transformers movies). Beyond that, I'm more a books-and-comics sort of person.

Robin Hobb and Ursula Le Guin are my current heroes, bookwise. I love the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and most of Jhonen Vasquez's stuff. I tend to re-read Lord of the Rings fairly regularly. I'm steadily working my way through Lovecraft - easier said than done, since I'm a wimp.

I live on my own; until about a year ago I was carer for my younger brother, as we are Tragic Orphans. I'm getting to the stage where I'm occasionally compelled to joke about this. I promise I don't do it to be offensive. (I'm also a teenager young woman with an online journal, so inevitably there will be bouts of Angst every now and then. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.)

I have the terrible habits of starting all my paragraphs with 'I' and not knowing when to shut up. So I shall do that now. Add me! :)

Listening to: Battle Without Honour or Humanity

NAME: Jordi (nickname)

AGE: 17

INTERESTS; orchestral music, anime, manga, fanfiction

HOBBIES; playing my viola, sleep, watching anime and reading manga, writing fanfiction (although I don't write much anymore), getting through school

LOOKING FOR; I was someone who will read and comment on my entries. Right now, they're just random stuff about school and my life but as time goes on and I get closer to college, they'll be more about that. Before I add anyone though, I'd like to know a bit about them. I'm weird like that.

ANYTHING ELSE; I'm currently a high school senior in the USA. I have a wonderful boyfriend, even if he's a bit frustrating at times. I go to a magnet/governor's school that provides many challenges and annoyances. I love Kingdom Hearts, Gundam Wing, Saiyuki, Ouran Host Club, Fruits Basket, Hana-Kimi, Alice 19th, Angel Diary and DNAngel. I'm interested in RPs but as of yet have been too intimidated to join one.

NAME: Kert Girdler
AGE: 17
INTERESTS; Playing guitar, Songwriting, Singing, Skateboarding, Playing Soccer, Drawing, Role Playing, Listenin to music, Taking photos of myself LMAO
HOBBIES; My hobbies and interests are pretty much the same. I like chillin with my mates and going shopping, even though I always spend too much money :(
LOOKING FOR; Any people that have a sense of humor and dont really act their age. Lifes too short to be an asshole.
ANYTHING ELSE; Just wanna say, to my fellow Aussie - RIP, you will be missed <3

Previous January 25th, 2008 Next