Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous January 22nd, 2008 Next
El Sutton [userpic]

NAME: Loriann, but I usually go by Nora or El. It's a long story behind that, ask me sometime.
AGE: A gentleman never asks, a lady never tells. I'm not a lady so I'm twenty six.
INTERESTS; Well, here's the fun part, isn't it? I have a bunch of interests, gaming, reading, writing. My son is my biggest interest. He's just turned eight months today. I'm a fandom junkie, but the biggest ones in my life are Buffy, Harry Potter, and seaQuest DSV.
HOBBIES; i love writing. Especially fanfics. I've been working on some buffy fanfics and seaQuest DSV fics as well. I read alot, both for my own enjoyment and to my son. he loves the Pokey little Puppy. I draw, but not very well. I play WoW, but not very often. I'm in college right now, so alot of times I'm too busy with Homework and family life to have much time for myself anymore.
LOOKING FOR; I'm looking for friends who when they comment are actually bringing something to the conversation. Hope you don't mind venting, because I tend to use my journal to vent alot. It's a great release. I'm also looking for friends who have at least some interests in common with me, or who are just curious enough to find out why these are my interest. I guess I should say I'm not that picky, but please, try to act mature at least half of the time. And alos, you can't mind that I go on and on about my son. He's our first kid.
ANYTHING ELSE; I make icons and poor friends only banners. I'm still working on tweaking graphics and such. Give me some time and I can make some nice stuff.

NAME: matthew
AGE: 23
INTERESTS; beer, kush, gf, sports, etc..
HOBBIES; party, play vid games, sleep 8)
LOOKING FOR; just new friends
ANYTHING ELSE; negative.

cindylouwho [userpic]

Hi, I'm Kay. I'm twenty years old and I'm from Canada. I had just moved to this site so I'm very slowly making my journal look like my own but I had started writing in it and I am looking for some new people to add. You can read a bit more about me here, so feel free to add me if we have a couple of interests. :]

NAME: afton nicole :)
AGE: 19
INTERESTS; texting,shopping,photoshop,talking.
HOBBIES; drawing crazy pictures that don't make sense.
LOOKING FOR; some new friends..i had to move from GJ :'(
ANYTHING ELSE; i drew this picture in paint might make you laugh..or it might just make you think im weird..either way it made me happy lol )

I can and shall obey

Hey, I'm Cain. 21 year old female mostly-asexual and sometimes really anti-social. From Ohio. I'm aibyouka on GJ and was aibyouka7 on LJ. Pardon, this is going to be long, as I'm a really wordy person.

Some stuff about me )

I have very little requirements about adding people. As long as I can read what you're writing, I'll probably add you, even if we have nothing in common, or if you're just trying to fill up your flist. Because, honestly, you never know if you're going to get along with or like someone. It doesn't pay to be super picky. I like to give anyone a chance. One thing I will warn you, though, is that if you make a lot of posts detailing your sex life, outside of a cut, I will probably delete you, because, honestly, I don't want to read about you fucking your boyfriend, kay? Unless you provide photos. :P

So, you should add me.

Feeling : content content
Listening to: New Order - Blue Monday
Previous January 22nd, 2008 Next