Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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About AddMe
AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous January 18th, 2008 Next

Hi everyone! My name is Jessica but most call me Kitten. I'm turning 19 tomorrow. Madly in love with [info]sirhellsing420 since November 30th, 2007. ^_^

I like anime, manga, novels, musicals. I enjoy decent friends that share similar interests.

I'm working on becoming a flight attendant very soon as a career choice.

dramatics [userpic]

the names christina. im 19 yrs old living on long island new york. im so in love with my boyfriend john and we live together now :]
friendly, emotional, caring, sarcastic, loud, funny, amusing, entertaining, and outgoing.

go to my friends only post..mkay?

hi =]
i was just_one_whore on gj and now im looking for some new friends obviously. my names sammy. im 17 and jersey born and raised. i work for many different theater companies as an assistant director, stage manager, or an actress. its my life and i love it. i hope to one day own my own theater. im loud and out going and love to just be wild and crazy but i have my serious side too.

so add me i love to comment but only if i get comments back to

ginger fitzgerald [userpic]

Hiiii! I was tendersugar on GJ, and my name is Darlene and I'm 17. I'll be turning 18 in February. Umm....I love all sorts of music, but I'm currently into Japanese music or music from Asia in general. I also love horror movies and just movies in general. Sorry I sound so boring, I'm bad at explaining myself XD I look forward to meeting new friends ;3

I need more friends!

Hello, my name's Melissa. I'm sixteen years old and I'm a Junior in highschool.
I love colorful things. I am absolutely obsessed with rainbows, unicorns, candy, vampires, and dragons. I love anything with a rainbow on it. And I love everything to do with vampires.
My favorite bands/singers are: Zeromancer, Denali, Mindless Self Indulgence, Incubus, The Cranberries/Dolores O'Riordan, System of a Down/Serj Tankian, Shiny Toy Guns, Linda Strawberry, Ambulette, The Postal Service, and tons of others.
I love photography. I love taking pictures outside. I usually follow my pets around the house and capture pictures of them all the time.
Some of my entries will be quite personal. I might complain somedays. I hope you don't mind.
But I do have those "uplifting" random posts.
Because I'm awesome like that.

I'm not sure what else I should tell you.
If you want to know more, just ask, I guess.

I made this journal last month from the fear that Greatestjournal was going to suddenly crap out on everyone. (And it finally did...kind of...)

Well, if you're interested, comment on my friends only post.

My face )

Feeling : bored bored
Listening to: Nine Inch Nails

Hello. I'm Jasmin, but people on the web call me Jas. I don't believe age should measure how mature you are, so I'll leave it at the fact that I'm over the age of thirteen. I'm bisexual, and due to my short hair, I pass off as a dyke. Sigh. Music music music. I just can't get enough of it. Some of my favorites are Escape the Fate, Flyleaf, From First to Last[without Sonny!], Porcelain and the Tramps, Drop Dead, Gorgeous, Tonight is Goodbye, Cranberries, and lots more. Recently, I've been having a late 90s/early 2000s crave so I'll probably be off listening to Madonna, Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, and the occassional Britney Spears. I won't take up anymore of your friends page so I'll list off some things that I like/enjoy. Anime. Manga. Musicals. Photography. Vampires. Rainbows. Gay Pride. Gays in general. Drawing. Comedians - Kyle Cease, Jim Gaffigan, Gabriel Iglesias♥. Music. South Park. And some other things I can't think now lol.

Befriend me?
picture of self )

Hi, I'm Adam.

When Greatest Journal died, I came here - like many of you, I see.

I usually have a lot to say, and I try to update as much as I possibly can. I've been here for about a week, and when I jump onto IJ, I'd really like to have some more people on my friend's list so I can have some more to read. As it is right now I've only got three people, and they're a grand trio but because it's just us three there isn't a whole lot for me to read on a daily basis.

There's plenty of things that I'm interested in, and I'm really open-minded about many, many things. Above all else: I like to write, and I like to read. I like comparing notes, discussing complexities, and testing out hypotheses.

Go ahead, check my profile, comment... addme, because I'd definitely addyou!


Previous January 18th, 2008 Next