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Back August 23rd, 2007 Forward
Y halo thar.

Helloooooo, Cleveland InsaneJournal!

I'm Puel, a nineteen-year-old Merlinder who's getting a BFA in acting with a minor in creative writing. This means I will be living in a cardboard box in New York City someday. I spend my time dashing from rehearsal to rehearsal, persuading the theatre department to let me take classes in physics for fun, reading everything I can get my hands on, writing both fanfic and original works, playing console and tabletop RPGs, Dance Dance Revolution-ing my heart out, and calling my boyfriend at midnight to tell him all about my latest bizarre plotbunnies.

I came here from That Place, but IJ's become my primary hangout. Most of the public content in my journal is fandom-related. I'm currently most active in Final Fantasy XII fandom, although I'm also writing for Harry Potter, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VI, Firefly, Bleach, Transformers, Doctor Who, Kingdom Hearts, and Digital Devil Saga. I largely write fic, and thanks to my habit of signing up for every challenge that catches my eye, I write a good deal of it. I like pretty much everything -- gen, m/f, f/f, m/m, and xeno. (I'm especially fond of the xeno.) I also post tidbits about my theatrical goings-on, as they tend to consume my life, and I make the obligatory "exams gyaaah" posts when the end-of-term rolls around.

Not all of my content is safe for minors. I write porn. Sometimes, it is weird porn. I also swear profusely, although that habit's more pronounced in real life than it is online.

I'm definitely a staunch hippie liberal, but I like to consider myself pretty open-minded: even if someone's point of view conflicts with mine, it's still valid (unless their point of view doesn't extend the same tolerance to others who think differently than they do). I don't mind thoughtful debate and discussion, but drama makes me reach for the back button.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to ask me something here in the comments or check out my journal.

So yes. If you think you'd like to get to know a dramatic, rather snarky, pervy-minded, fangirling, and adjective-abusing bibliophile, I'd love to hear from you.

Current Mood: chipper chipper
Current Music: The White Stripes - "Icky Thump"
쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang [userpic]
Hello, Hallo

Hi everyone,

I'm new to InsaneJournal and still trying to figure out my way around here. I'm a refugee from that 'other journaling site' and am really glad to be here. I thought a new journal would be a great chance to make some new friends, thus this post.

I go by Shelly in the online world, am 29, and pretty much easy-going. I spent 16 years in the theatre world mostly amateur stuff but occasionally semi-professional until one day I decided it just wasn't for me. But recently I've been dragged back (kicking and screaming) and am now involved in a burgeoning improv troupe. I'm sometimes witty, but mostly dorky and have a strange sense of humor. I tend to misuse words (miss malaprop anyone?) and will laugh at myself when I'm called out on it.

My unlocked journal is mainly about fandom though. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter, but I also love anything Jossverse (Firefly/Serenity, Buffy, Angel) and anything that involves Simon Pegg. I haven't written fanfic for a while, but have gotten back into it recently. I'm a voracious reader/reccer and I'm not too picky as long as its well-written or cracky!goodness. I like slash, het and gen pretty equally, and am not ashamed to say I squee over really good smut.

I'm also a big music lover and as soon as I shake this dial-up and join the 21st century, I'll probably make several music!spam posts. I love going to see music live. Some of my favorite concerts in recent memory are The Arcade Fire, The Pixies, The Killers, Devo, and Alice Cooper (okay that one was almost 20 years ago, but it made an impact.)

And uh, I think that's it. Check out my journal, feel free to ask questions, and add me if you like! Yay for new friends!

Hi! I'm bad at these, but I'll try anyway. :)

I'm Harleen, 37, married with a daughter (Courtney, who is nine and has autism). I grew up in Rhode Island but have been in Florida for the past 17 years.

I am into multiple fandoms, though my biggest one is HP (I'm also in That 70s Show and some music punk/alternative/classic rock fandoms among others). I am a major fan of Fred and George, and write them often, almost all of it AU from book seven. I co-mod a RPG over at GJ and play several characters there as well.

I currently maintain two asylums, both under construction: [info]councilofdenial and [info]hp_prompts.

I always like making new friends so long as you're open-minded and intelligent, I don't mind. :)

Current Mood: hopeful hopeful

Erm, it's a bit past my bedtime, so I'm a bit loopy - please bear wihnnnnnnnnnnnth me. (cat on keyboard.)

My name is Aubrey.
I am of the female persuasion.
I'm 32 years old.
I work receiving/logistics in retail, usually graveyards.
I'm happier than I ever was in a "real job".
I'm a musician.
(I'm a lazy musician.)
I play guitar, bass, piano, and sing.
I also own a mandolin and a flute, but I wouldn't call the noise that comes out of them "music".
I'm a vegetarian.
I consider myself a "vegan in training".
Not married, allergic to commitment, no children.
I have a cat: Little Bitchy Baby Bacci Arabella Butterfly Moon-Kitten Spaghetti Chewbacca Labor Day, but I call her Bacci for short.
(Pronounced BOTCH-ee.)
My geekery consists of WoW and console video games - Final Fantasy, Katamari, and schtuff.
My fandommery consists of Invader Zim, MST3K, and other things that no longer air.
I wouldn't call my fandommery "obsessive", but I likey.
I read, and usually can be found with my nose in a book of the fantasy genre. (I am currently reading through Lackey's Valdemar series again.)
My sense of humor? It's there. Dark and dry. (Like I likes mah wine! HAR!)
I... really thought I had something else to add, but um.....




General Information:
My name is Barrie. I'm 18 and I've recently graduated from a high school in a little town located in PA. I will be enrolling for college fall 2008, hopefully I will have a better idea of what I want to do with myself by then. Until then I'm working as a cashier at a grocery store.

I am seeking new friends because it seems like my current ones are becoming inactive. I recently got this journal (I was previously using afterdark_ on GJ) and I am hoping to express myself more in it. I'm looking for some nice friends that won't make me feel uncomfortable about what I post.

Favorites + Pictures )

Current Mood: bored bored
Current Music: Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
Back August 23rd, 2007 Forward