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Back August 19th, 2007 Forward

Basics: I'm Suzanne, I'm nineteen, and I reside in Scotland. I'm currently a youth worker but my contract runs out in about two weeks; and I'm about a month and a bit away from spending ten weeks doing charity work in Malaysia with Raleigh International. I'm also spending a week in Japan. After all that, I want to try to get into Edinburgh or St Andrew's university to do something politics or philosophy related; one day I'd like to work for Amnesty International.

It's probably safe to say there will be a lot of travel-talk in my journal for a while. ;)

I'm a bit of a fangirl and I have no illusions about how lame I can be. I have a worrying tendency to fall in love with characters who are either spoiled brats or childish sociopaths - I'm not quite sure what's behind that. My best friend claims that's why I'm friends with her, and I haven't quite unravelled that, either.

I do a lot of theatre-related stuff and I'm trying to get my lazy self back into photography. I'm an RPer - Call of Cthulhu and Dungeons and Dragons, mostly, as well as a few online things. I'm not a huge anime fan, though there are a few things I like - Samurai Champloo, Kyou Kara Mara, Azumanga Daioh. I adore Invader Zim and Firefly, and a few films have my devotion (Battle Royale, Advent Children and the utter cheese of Sin City, not to mention LotR). Beyond that, I'm more a books-and-comics sort of person.

Robin Hobb and Ursula Le Guin are my current heroes, bookwise. I love the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and most of Johnen Vasquez's stuff. I tend to re-read Lord of the Rings fairly regularly. I'm steadily working my way through Lovecraft - easier said than done, since I'm a wimp.

I live on my own; until about a year ago I was carer for my younger brother, as we are Tragic Orphans. I'm getting to the stage where I'm occasionally compelled to joke about this. I promise I don't do it to be offensive. (I'm also a teenager with an online journal, so inevitably there will be bouts of Angst every now and then. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.)

I have the terrible habits of starting all my paragraphs with 'I' and not knowing when to shut up. So I shall do that now. Add me! :)

Current Music: Rasputina - Crosswalk
Atalanta Pendragonne [userpic]
Taking the plunge!

I was planning on just lurking here, but sleep deprivation has made me bold! Besides, having a bigger flist will give me more chances to comment on entries and justify all the icons a permanent account gives me.

About me: I'm in my mid-30s, raised in Connecticut but living in Austin, Texas for the past decade-and-then-some. Since I am on Disability, I spend entirely too much time at home on the internet, curled up with a book, or staying up all night listening to Coast to Coast. Often more than one of those at a time. I'm a slave to my cats, hooked on Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, and currently idolatrously fond of Stephin Merritt.

My journal is not really worksafe or minor-safe; I write when I'm not blocked, and it's smutty stuff sometimes (m/m, f/f, het, threesomes, vanilla, kinky, fanfic, original... no knowing what to expect!), rail about personal woes (I put the really depressive whining behind a cut), and curse like a sailor, if it was a sailor with an extensive vocabulary and flair for sarcasm.

Lately I've learned to use Semagic, which means I have been making frequent short (but hopefully entertaining!) posts.

My interests list, in case that gives a better idea of what I'm like )

That's about it, I guess. If you have any questions, ask away!

Current Mood: hopeful hopeful
Current Music: They Might Be Giants, "I've Got a Match"
Back August 19th, 2007 Forward