Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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AddMe is an asylum to meet new and old friends.

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Previous June 8th, 2007 Next
𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒂 [userpic]
Hey there!

You'd think the maintainer of this community would be a bit more active here, ne? I suppose it's about time I settled down with a post introducing myself. First off, I want to thank everyone who has posted so far - without members posting, we wouldn't be able to make friends, and the point of this asylum would be moot. I am currently at work but when I return later tonight, I will have revamped the user info and added a lovely icon for us.

My name is Katt and I have been a member of IJ for some time now, taking random breaks here and there due to real life stresses. I am 21 years old, living in the southern valley of California, and I am very much in love with my boyfriend [info]nallaenwolfwood, who I have known for six years now. We recently just met (October last year) and I moved out here to be with him earlier in this year. We get along well and aren't total slobs, which is a surprise since we're both video game lovers :P

I spend a lot of my time playing World of Warcraft, having been a priest for a couple of years now. Because of that, a lot of my posts tend to be related to WoW. I'm a raider, previously as hardcore as my server permitted but stepped down from that to focus being with friends. I healed raids for a long time, now I'm one of the best DPS'ers in my current guild. I spend my evenings running heroics and roleplaying, which tends to be a lot of fun. Because of my large interest in WoW, I also maintain [info]warcraft, which mostly just gets updates from around the Internet.

I also volunteer in support on IJ and other smaller sites as well. That takes up a bit of my time as well but I try to be quick about it. I post a lot here in a lot of asylums trying to spark others into doing the same.

My interests..? I use to watch a lot of anime and read manga, but I've sort of toned down from that. I play a few games here and there, I scrapbook, I watch a lot of television while raiding, and I am hoping to get to a gym with my boyfriend :)!

I can be found on a lot of other sites as well. Here are some links to help other users identify who I am hehe;

I hope that wasn't too terribly boring and long.

Feeling : cheerful cheerful

Hello, all. I'm not necessarily an LJ refugee, but I did come over here from there more or less to check things out.

My name is Kyle, I'm 21, and I live in Las Vegas.

I'm bi, and I have a girlfriend right now. She is my best friend and my confidant. She is keeping me sane.

I work in the catering industry, as a supervisor. Yes, it's ass-kicking work. But I like it. Keeps me in shape.

I'm a music fanatic. I love most all kinds of music, but am particularly fond of all types of rock, with the exception of emo. I hate emo. It's horrible.

I spend a lot of time listening to music. Used to play it as well; guitar for many years and, if I can get at one, the piano. Haven't had the chance to play the 6-string in a while, as I no longer own one. That's definitely on the agenda.

I'm also a writer, and a part-time editor. I proof read and evaluate mostly fiction manuscripts. I'm in the "apprentice" stages of this at the current moment.

I'm huge into astrology (I'm a Gemini, if anyone wants to know =D), and am exploring deeper facets of that.

I balance different areas of my life in various ways. I value solitude very much, so I make sure to take plenty of time for myself, when I can. But I also love to be around people, and especially to laugh. What's life without laughter?

The girl and I are starting over from a rather tumultous life in Colorado Springs. We came out here to Vegas at the end of last December and have been slowly rebuilding our lives. So far, so good. I'm anxious to see what's around the next bend.

I'll friend anyone. I love meeting new people via journals. Such a great and useful tool. Have a great night, everyone! I'm heading off to work. WEEEE!! :D

location: 89123

I'm another of those LJ emigrants. Hope you're not sick of seeing us yet.

I'm a fan of fantasy and science-fiction, an avid watcher of anime, a role-player, and a writer of computer software. I also believe very strongly in free speech, even for those with whom I disagree.

I dislike censorship, discrimination, 1337-speak, and those who would force their values on me whether I want them or not. (I'm okay with polite discussion and disagreement, and have even been known to change my views on occasion.)

Despite my strong feelings on certain subjects, I'm one of the most drama-free people you'll ever meet. I don't go for petty oneupmanship and stupid high-school antics. Hell, I didn't go for that in high school.

I'm very LGBT-friendly, and I could care less what religion you espouse (although see above about trying to shove it down my throat).

If you want to know more about me, go read my profile or just ask. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

Hello. I figured I should post here, both as a welcome to new users and as a "feel free to add me' kind of thing. My name is Ryan and I have used IJ since 2004. Like the LJ Strikethrough '07 refugees, I too once came here as a result of being dissatisfied with a LJ-based site. For me, it was GreatestJournal. I wouldn't trust the owners/managers of GJ half as far as I could throw them.

I am young, younger perhaps than any other IJ user. I am only 16 (almost 17!) years old, but I try to act older than I am. I suppose I usually do. I am also gay and therefore very supportive of the GLBT movement, both online and in my local community. I am entering my Junior year of high school in a fairly small city of 25,000 in the Great Plains area. I am theoretically a Socialist, though I tend to be realistic and support Democrats. I am very involved in politics and look forward to working on the 2008 campaign.

I am a member of the IJ Support Team, and active in FAQ writing. I am planning on doing a huge overhaul of the FAQs starting this weekend.

If anyone wants to add me, please feel free.

Previous June 8th, 2007 Next