September 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]


Ahem. Hi! I'm Sara. It's 9 am on a Sunday and I really, really want to still be asleep but sadly I am not, so I might as well do intros. Whoo. So, like...I'm 25, I work full time at an ob/gyn doing insurance crap and sneaking online half the day when it's slow, my CDJ is [info]petrichor, my email is, and my AIM is SavageFlight. You're probably gonna reach me a lot quicker on the former two than the latter, JSYK.

More importantly by far, this is Dominique Weasley. She's a fourth year Gryffindor, the Activist in the Non-Conformist social circle, and a right pain in the arse because her primary method of differentiating herself from all the other Weasleys out there is to argue about everything constantly with everyone. She's one of those people who will disagree with just about anything just for the sake of having something to say, and she will stubborn it out looooong after the argument is actually over. Some of this is being 14, some of it's a Middle Child thing, some of it's just Dom. She does have her good traits, though: she's incredibly loyal, and she haaaaates bullies and is not intimidated by anyone whatsoever, so. There's that.

Please do not mention her Veela ancestry to her. It makes her want to claw her own face off just so you won't think she's pretty because of magic. Ugh. She is, however, really fascinated by all non-human magical societies, and her main Activist thing is Equal Treatment For Everybody (it started thanks to Aunt Hermione getting her to join SPEW when she was little- she liked the badge, ok- and evolved from there.)

Hmm, what else? She's in Wilderness Adventures and is joining the Hogwarts X Press this year, so your character might well know her from those things. They also might know her as that girl who screamed at Professor Hobday in the Great Hall last year about a points dispute, maybe, IDK.

She needs: a few friends, yes please. Probably a lot more people she's pissed off or annoyed. And hopefully, eventually, someone to have a ridiculous unrequited crush on, because it will annoy the hell out of her and I am cruel.

You plots, give me them!