August 28th, 2012


Why hallo thar!

Hello hello, brand new player with a brand new muse here to say HI GUYS! I'm KaOS, and I come bearing Miles Bennett, a kind of perpetually-hyper seventh year stoner guy who has the tendency to avoid classes, get into trouble with Aidan, and Find Things (because lol Hufflepuff THEY ARE GOOD AT THAT though Miles more so than most). App thing can be found here and I look forward to playing with all of you lovely folks when the school year rolls around!

Anyone want any pre-existing CR let me know; Miles tends to get around in a "sticks his nose everywhere" kind of way, so chances are your muse has run into him at least once over the years for one reason or another.

[No Subject]

HI FOLKS, I am Di (Diana, D, Dee, whatever) and I can be found as keenanesque @ AIM (both to chat and email). I bring you Maura McCormack, latest addition in a long line (ok not that long) of quidditch-stomping McCormack women. She's the Ravenclaw quidditch captain and chaser, and about as enthusiastic about the game and her responsibilities as you would expect. Other things about her: 7th year, sporty social circle, also involved in Cooking With Charms (but she hates baking and thus has a bit of Attitude about the club).

She's almost permanently cheerful and friendly, but being so busy with quidditch, study, everything means she tends to associate on a pretty superficial level. She has a wide streak of whimsy that some might call silliness, and a tendency to misunderstand or not get social cues or subtle references and say entirely the wrong thing. (In fact, she's one of the Wildcards.) However, she's very approachable (in fact, she has never said no to a first date in her life, and only declined subsequent dates rarely).

She could use friends and friendly acquaintances, people who find her irritating or downright insensitive, and all sorts of everything. I am up for just about anything, but particularly interested in long- or short-term plans involving messy romance she doesn't understand, or messy antagonism she doesn't understand. :)